
Friday 25 August 2017

Po Faced Politics

Its no secret that I detest the modern phenomena of Political Correctness and all that it spins into ...

Ludlow Hospital League of Friends ... Money Not Wanted Anymore.

.... multiculturalism, reverse racism, hypocritical political policies, quota recruitment policies, turning a blind eye to immigrant criminality etc etc

All men are not equal. Many cultures are backward and should not be treated as of equal value to our own. White culture should be defended and not attacked (where else is this ever allowed? It don't happen in non white countries). Employing people just because of their skin colour is racism, even if they are non whites etc etc  I have commented before on these abuses, carried out under the aegis of PC policies .....

.... But the one that I have never discussed is how po faced the adherents to PC'isms often are. These humourless PC goons often litter the management layers of semi-socialist state funded organisations such as the BBC, Local Governments, and NHS trusts.

A good example of this is Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, whose Chief Executive Jan Ditheridge has exhibited all the attributes that make me detest these people so much. Like all hospitals inside NHS trusts, Ludlow Hospital relies on fund raisers to supplement the money from central government, to enhance its services. To that end, a League of Friends exists, that has performed various fund raising activities on behalf of the hospital for many years ..... or it had been doing so up until now.

Their latest charity fun run bed pushing (which has been held every June for the last 20 years), was to help toward the £150,000 required for the renovation of the hospitals X-Ray / ECG equipment. It featured the same men dressed as nurses as it has every year, and who themselves raised £2,500. The men were even helped with make-up wigs etc by real nurses from the hospital, to much amusement all round. That is until the PC warrior Jan Ditheridge stepped in and refused to accept the money they had raised.

"The presentation of men dressed as female nurses in a highly-sexualised and demeaning way is wrong, very outdated and insulting to the profession. It isn't OK to portray healthcare professionals in this way. We have previously asked that this doesn't happen and therefore don't think its right to accept any money". Perhaps she suddenly realised how this would portray her, and she added a sort of mealy mouthed apology. "I'm sure the event was organised with the best of intentions and we are sorry if its made people feel uncomfortable or embarrassed" ... but not really.

The runners on the team, who had raised a large amount of money for the hospital over the years described Ms Ditheridges comments as leaving them 'flabbergasted' and the League of Friends said that it was a "sad day for public support for our health services" .... I don't blame them. Its one thing for this woman and trust (and whomever else she includes in the 'we' she alludes to in her comments), to hold these views privately, but to hold them to the detriment of the hospitals inside the trust is not acceptable. Frankly if I was a Ludlow local, there would be no more support for any hospital fund raising from me, until this po-faced woman had gone .....  

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