
Friday 13 April 2018

More Mermen aka Fishy Tails

Something strange happened in Poland in September 2015 ...

Bio-Hazard Suits In Poland .....

A lot of men in bio-hazard suits were filmed by a passer-by's phone, approaching a lakeside.

So what were they doing? .... Well things only got stranger, as a stretcher was also laid out on the bank.

Fish Like Creature Placed On Stretcher

The men clustered around what appeared to be large fish like creature .... lifting it and carrying it towards the stretcher.

Is It A Man Or A Fish?

But as they turned side on, it was clear that the upper part of the creature they were transporting was fleshy pink.

Merman or Real Man?

But it was only as they finally started to take the body away, that it became clear that the upper half was a bearded human body. This had echoes of something almost as old as humanity itself.

Neptune Poseidon Was Half Fish ...


  1. There's no way the cameraman was part of the act, I'm convinced; Merpersons really exist !!

    1. Just another fisherman's tail as far as I am concerned.


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