
Friday 31 May 2019

Strangely Addictive

Recently I joined the world of social media ....

Social Media Brings Moral Dilemmas ...

.... and discovered the terrible addictions and moral dilemmas that these platforms can engender in ones soul.

Firstly there was the friends moment. Deciding what my friend criteria was going to be. Open house (everyone and anyone I had ever met), or a more selective approach?

After deciding on the latter, I sent out a number of requests and most said yes. But two people I thought of as at least work friends (and possibly closer), apparently declined (or at least never accepted). I was a little hurt by this, but have manned up and accepted this, and determined that I would still be friendly if I met them face to face in future.

Why Friend Me?

Then there were the strange unsolicited requests to be friends received from others ... these were from people I know, but have no real connection with. One woman was so determined that she even emailed me, and verbally approached me as well to ask if I had received the friend request .... I still knocked her back (she is a woman who I have only spoken to on 3 occasions in as many years, and have absolutely no affinity with - I had been warned that she did this to almost everyone she had ever met).

This is accompanied by Facebook itself trying desperately to find people you might know, even people with no possible connection to me, as well its recommended videos and posts, again often with no possible connection except the most tenuous of links .... money making attempts in order to finance a free service, understandable in the main, but a pain nonetheless.

Now as if this wasn't all bad enough for my karma, I have found myself compelled to having to try and think of something useful or interesting to post everyday .... after just a few weeks this is proving to be an uphill struggle.

Finally, and infinitely worse of all, I have found myself constantly looking at my phone to see if my posts are liked or being commented on, or if I should like or comment on my Facebook friends posts or comments.

In short I have developed the early traits of a Facebook Zombie .... this is utterly intolerable. I have resolved not to go any further down this route, and will stop making daily posts .... right after today, or maybe tomorrow .....

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