
Friday 2 April 2021

The Infallible Liberal

 An adult TV cartoon comedy show, which is often very non PC pointed out an interesting fact ....

Family Guy Asked A Very Good Question
Asking A Very Good Question ......

They said that many movies have been very highly regarded or praised, when a character who has started out with right leaning views, acknowledges the inherent wrongness of their philosophy/views, changes them, and accepts a more liberal view point. 

They listed:

 ..... as being some prime film examples, amongst many others.

All carry a theme of right-wing redemption, often on a subject of racial prejudice (but not always), in which the main character reverts from this 'wrong' view, and embraces a liberal 'right' outlook on the subject.

Now this isn't a particularly original observation, probably because its become such a common theme, even a trope, that we hardly notice it.

However, the TV characters then went on to pose the question: Could anyone name just one film, not even an award winning one, in which someone holding hard-line Left/Liberal views on any subject, ever came to realise that they were wrong and accepted that the Right were, well, right?

...... No one on the show could .... and after much thought, neither could I.

We are constantly bombarded with left wing messages, via its iconography and views, in all the media around us. This year it has been the fronting of nearly every TV advert with BAME faces (usually a black male with a white/blonde female), often in mixed race relationships in which the ethnic male has obviously mated with the white female. Less usually, its an all black couple or occasionally a black female with a white male. 

Now as the black population of the UK is less than 6 per cent, this 50 percent plus of black faces in TV adverts is hardly balanced, nor proportionate to the Black Lives Matter campaign .... but that hasn't stopped the relentless campaign. Its even reached such a ridiculous level, that when just a hand is seen, its an ethnic minority members hand and voice overs are Peckham English.

I wonder sometimes if this is why when there is a violent change of power, there is often a violent outpouring of revenge against those who were formerly in power. The political and racial divisions in the US, which have hardened over the last four years, will only grow in the next four as President Biden tries to reverse what he and his supporters perceive as being the wrong/right-wing polices of the Trump regime. 

All this will do is exacerbate the division between right and left in that country  .... perhaps if the Left could acknowledge that not everything that they have pushed in the last four decades was the right policy, then there would be more centre ground in which we could all be comfortable.

But I fear that is an intellectual leap that's too great for them to make, and they will continue to espouse the doctrine of Left/Liberal infallibility.


  1. Define left/liberal and/or hard left then we can talk.

    Check out my blog too!

    1. This is my blog, so I don't need to define the terms I use, but I don't think that the manner in which I use them, is in any way outré or different from their common usage in the press and elsewhere. So I stand by their use in this article.

      The post simply makes it clear that its ironic that Hollywood can only entertain the idea that only one side is right. That those who hold a certain view on race relations, or death sentences, just as two examples, can only be saved or redeemed by converting to another view that's held by the films makers.

      In particular the idea that any right leaning character (such as Miss Daisy in the excellent 'Driving Miss Daisy'), or the Prison Guard in the Green Mile, are only redeemed by changing those views. And also as stated in the post, name me a film where this goes in the other direction?

      Whether you consider those to be "Left/liberal and/or hard left" views or not that they should convert to, is a matter of personal opinion. The post was simply posing the same question as that in the TV show as food for thought

      I'll give your blog a visit soon.

      Thanks for comment, which are always appreciated.


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