
Friday 14 June 2024

Nearer To God Am I?

In June 2022, a TV reality show in which 15 women were hiking on Camelback Mountain in Arizona had to call emergency services .....

Camelback Mountain Girls After Their Ordeal
Camelback Mountain Girls After Their Religious Ordeal

..... after they succumbed to the extreme heat after temperatures topped 100F (38c).

Camelback Mountain was 100F degrees on the day of their trek, and the peak can reach up to 150 degrees (65.5c). The ladies were all rescued by helicopters, and all were unharmed. Ironically the show, was one in which the ladies had to perform a series of strenuous physical challenges in the desert. The religious cable TV show was called "Bad Girls Gone God," (catchy title!), and the long treks were meant to take the girls nearer to god.

The women were from all over the country, including Alabama, Tennessee, and California. Fortunately for them, none of the ladies actually went to meet their god in person that day, although three of the women had to be hospitalized for heat-related illnesses after several of them had to be wheeled down the mountain . 

Tatiana Robinson, a group member of the show said that "God was definitely with us ..... I don't know what would have happened, but we might not have have arrived." .... or perhaps that should be, why were we doing something so bloody stupid in the Arizona desert, in blazing heat, just for a TV show?

Meanwhile in August 2022, would be burglar Grant Simonson was caught inside a church in Spokane Washington, after a caller had told the police that they had seen a man with a mask and torch climbing in to the building. He was seen sorting through the churches audio equipment, and then climbing back out the church, he was ordered to get on the ground by the police. 

Man And Skunk On Their Way To A Fateful Meeting
Man And Skunk On Their Fateful Way

As he started to lay on the floor to be arrested, a skunk ran out of an area of the church, and sprayed Mr Simonson with a full blast of its malodorous scent in his face. The skunk then fled out of the building. The Sheriffs Office later issued a statement describing the arrest, and saying that "the skunk is a wild animal and not affiliated with law enforcement or the church." Simonson was booked into the Spokane County Jail for second-degree burglary. He was released later that day on his own recognizance.  

Also in 2022, Christian Bitcoiners held their first conference "Thank God For Bitcoin" ... many of them apparently believe that you can find god in the blockchain currencies 'incorruptible' system, with justice built into it through maths and truth. Of course the recent crash in values, and the massive fraud of the last year or so, have shaken some of their belief in its incorruptibilities. But as Pattrick Melder, author of 'The Christian Case for Bitcoin' says, "Conviction will steady us in times of doubt." 

The founder of the Church Of Bitcoin, Henry Romp of Vermont says the "When Satoshi Nakamoto (the semi mythical inventor of Bitcoin) created Bitcoin, I think he was divinely inspired ... a benevolent God of some sort either sent him, or sent the idea".

There's actually no helping some people .....

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