
Friday 18 August 2023

Telling It Straight

This older story on the BBC almost speaks for itself .... 

Roofing Scam - Elderly Aussies Targeted
Roofing Scam - Elderly Aussies Targeted
..... but not without some decoding. 

What it illustrates initially is that what the Labour party defined as an ethnic group in the UK, as distinct from being simply being Irish, aka the 'Irish travellers' are not just a pain the arse for all the English communities upon whom they generally prey, but now also for the Aussies as well. Reading the story you would hardly guess it of course, as the PC code is in full force in the reporting.

However once you learn the BBC code for the plain truth, one can decipher it easily enough .... for instance when the BBC say that 'police are looking for a 6ft male', that invariably means a non white male, because it would say 'police are looking for a white 6ft male' if it was otherwise. Similarly, when its '12 males arrested in connection to a child rape gang in Oxford', then we can all guess that the '12 men' have been arrested for grooming and raping girls who are not from the same race or backgrounds .... or so many of us now read these stories on their web site.

And that brings me to the other point of the reporting issue. That is the danger inherent in hiding facts when reporting stories, for PC purposes ... a crime we can accuse the BBC of increasingly doing, as the slant on certain of its stories gets ever more pronounced.

So when reading this particular story, one always has to pick out the pertinent factual nuggets:
  • '26 Irish nationals arrested'.
  • 'Fraudulent building work'.
  • 'two 17-year-old boys from the same family'.
  • 'all Irish'.
  • 'women and children' also arrested.
  • 'Visas cancelled'.
  • 'Police seized 120,000 Australian dollars (£63,800) in cash and two Rolex watches valued at 36,000 dollars (£19,600)'.
  • 'A caravan park'.
  • 'Wanted for offences elsewhere'.
And now we have the true story that the BBC can't actually bring themselves to report. The version we should actually have seen was something like this: 

A large group of extended Irish Traveller families, have been duping old people into having work done for cash in Australia ~ A roof fixing scam  ~ only for the work to either not be done, or of extremely poor quality .... they have been operating in the country for a while, as some of them are wanted for the same offences in other Aussie states. They will now be deported, as it cheaper than actually keeping them in prison or taking them to court.

Its also a good bet that they will have been operating the same scam in the UK by the following summer.

The difference is that here they won't be arrested, and here they won't deported, because the Labour Party designated them an ethnic group and thus protected from the normal rules.

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