
Friday 4 August 2023

Parental Rights

In May 2022 in India, a couple in the northern state of Uttarakhand sued their only son and his wife for £530,000 ......

Angry Parents - Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad
Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad

........ for not giving them a grandchild after six years of marriage on the grounds of "mental cruelty".

Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad, 61 and 57, said they had used up their life savings raising their son, paying $65,000 for his pilot's training as well as for a lavish wedding. The parents said they paid for a wedding reception in a five-star hotel, a luxury car worth $80,000 and a honeymoon abroad. The son had returned from the US in 2007, but promptly lost his job, and his family had to support him financially for more than two years.

Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad said “We killed our dreams to raise him," the couple said in their petition. "We even took a loan of 2m rupees for his education. But despite all our efforts, my son and his wife have caused mental torture by not giving us a grandchild. The society also questions us, causing further pain. We also had to take a loan to build our house, and now we are going through a lot of financial hardships. Mentally too we are quite disturbed because we are living alone.”

Eventually, the son, Shrey Sagar now aged 35, did get a job as a pilot with a commercial airline. His parents say they arranged his marriage to Shubhangi Sinha, now 31, in 2016, but the couple opted to get their own house after moving to Hyderabad, buying the house in his wife’s name. Mr Prasad then pressed his son for a grandchild and alleged that the couple then “pretended” to be separated, and then ceased communication with his parents.

The Ungrateful Couple
The Ungrateful Couple

So now the sons parents were demanding compensation worth nearly $650,000 (£525,000) if no grandchild was born within a year. Mr Prasad said that "At least if we have a grandchild to spend time with, our pain will become bearable."

Their son and his wife did not comment .... however India is still a largely conservative society, with the parents traditionally having a major say in the matrimonial and professional lives of their children. Refusal to comply with the parental expectations regarding their marriages and professions is seen still as disrespectful to the parents.

But this appears to be the case of an overly spoilt boy, and his very needy parents. One has to assume that if the parents had truly spent all their savings raising their son, then its good that they apparently didn't have daughters as well, as they obviously would have got zero spent on their upbringing, as it was all lavished on the little prince.

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