
Friday 5 February 2021

White Saviours

Apparently there should be no white human faces presenting reports from any black country that Comic Relief is throwing money at ....

'Saint' Bob In Africa ... Satirised Mercilessly.

...... because black Labour politicians such as David Lammy think it reinforces racial stereotypes and creates the image of the 'White Saviour'.

While Ugandan officials such as Julius Peter Moto said that they are "not comfortable" with social media pictures of white people with Ugandan children.

Stacey In The Middle ......

So would it be better if we didn't give any charity money to black and brown nations, and left it entirely to donations by black residents of the Western countries?

Charity Donation By Race 2018/19 -

Well possibly not, because they are groups not necessarily known for altruistic charity donations, and according to surveys only give at half the rate of whites and mixed race donors. The Muslim population of the UK for instance, is obliged, as one of the five pillars of Islam to give Zakat (the obligatory tax/charity that every able Muslim should give from their savings above their expenses each year), but this is largely collected via Mosques, and goes to mainly Muslim only causes.

Black charitable donations are generally more mainstream, although a fairly large proportion of this comes from the black Christian churches. But in any case both groups donate at significantly lower rates than the general population.

There is also another uncomfortable truth in this story .... Black African states are very often corrupt cesspit's, where what taxes that are raised (and foreign aid) are largely stolen by government officials and crony's, with the general population seeing little benefit .... even food aid shipments to places like the Yemen and Somalia are stolen (a UN report was leaked that admitted that 'Half of all food sent to Somalia is stolen'), and then 'sold' to the starving populations by warlords and criminals.

Africa is corrupt from top to bottom. Even South Africa, the rainbow nation, which started with such a head start in infrastructure, and wealth, took less than two decades to find itself with Presidents who are taking bribes and being stood down for corruption. In this case it was for being so inept about it that he got caught.

Yet once again we are asked to suspend our intellectual thought processes, in order to accommodate some strange left-wing mythology, that flies in the face of reality. Why do we have to pretend that it isn't the truth? Yet every year we face the parade of begging bowls caused by these African politicians greed. This despite the fact that we in the UK give away £12bn in foreign aid each year.

Its this background which is why charities such as Comic relief have to take aid direct to the general population .... Davis Lammy and others may consider whether they should spend their time campaigning for more financial transparency in African states, and effective punishment for corruption.

.... then there might not be a need for the 'White Saviours' that Mr Lammy dislikes so much.

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