Friday 30 July 2021

Silent Scream


The movie Alien famously had the tag line "In space, no one can hear you scream" ...

Silent Screaming ....

... well those clever clogs at Visit Iceland, have found a clever way of  marketing that idea.

Fun and Games In Tokyo

There has been fun and games at the Tokyo Olympics 2020 ....

The Tokyo Olympics 2020 - In 2021

 .... and I don't mean the sports.

A Bit Of Technology

Have you ever heard of blockchain encryption?

Centralised DB v Blockchain DB
Centralised DB v Blockchain DB

No? Well no doubt you are not alone in that regard, but increasingly its becoming part of the modern world. 

Friday 23 July 2021

Night Crawlers

Someone, or more usually something, living secretly in your house is one of those horror movie tropes ...

Monsters Coming Out Of The Attic Are A Horror Staple

... that usually leads to semi naked females being chased about, in rooms where the lights are always broken.

Freedom Day?

 Well, this was supposed to be the week that Freedom Day set us all free again ....

Freedom Day
Finally No More Covid-19 Restrictions Indoors ... Allegedly!

..... but it hasn't quite felt like that ... the usual back tracking and mixed messages about social distancing, mask wearing, the NHS App tracking alerts, and self isolating have made the whole thing feel fragile and chaotic.

A Lesson From History

With the retreat from Afghanistan nearly completed .....

Sir William Robertson Got Afghanistan Spot On ....
Sir William Robertson Got Afghanistan Spot On ....

.... well ahead of President Biden's arbitrary 11th September 2021 deadline, its perhaps time for a lesson from history.

Friday 16 July 2021

Changeling Chairs

New Mexico USA is a very warm and hot dry state ...

Changeling Chairs?

.... so its not unusual for people to leave furniture outside on the kerb, abandoned or for refuse collection.

The Air Arm

We all have occasional little worries about stupid but highly improbable accidents ...

Strange Accidents Can Happen ......

.... such as getting your foot somehow jammed between the control pedals in your car. 

The Woke News

Chicago Mayoress Lori Lightfoot, who identifies as a person of colour (POC) ... 

Chicago Mayoress Lori Lightfoot
Mayor Lightfoot Has Set Her Interview Policies

... has recently announced, that as she has now reached around the mid-term in her current term of office, she is temporarily only giving 1 to 1 interviews with POC journalists. 

Friday 9 July 2021

Covid Cats

The whole world has been affected by Covid ...

Covid Cats
Wilful Cats, Rarely Follow The Rules ....

... even that normally most wilful of creatures, the cats who live alongside us.

The Pound Plummets

Poundland (UK equivalent to US Dollar Tree stores), used to be my favourite shop ....

A Typical Poundland Store
A Typical Poundland .....

.... you could go in for something specific, and still end up with several extra items without feeling too guilty.

Crime And Punishment USA

Violent crime and gun offences (including gun murders) have seen a large drop since they peaked in the early 1990's.

US Violent Crime Lower Than 1990's But Went Up In Lockdown.

This drop has included the major cities, no matter which party controlled them.

Friday 2 July 2021

Is There Anyone Out There?

Bryce Jerald Dixon from New Fork, Utah, is a man who believes aliens visit Earth ....

They Are Just Here For A Conference .....

.... and in fact they were sending a diplomatic mission here, and he was to be Earth's representative.

Street Sex

The human races willingness to try anything once never ceases to amaze me .... 

The Stuff Off Some Men's Fantasies .... Not Much To Look At

... for example eating pavement lichen.

W**king From Home

It used to be said that men thought about sex every seven seconds ...

Urban Myths - Men Think About Sex Every 7 Seconds ...

and whilst that is something of an *exaggeration. Some men certainly do think about it more often then others.