
Friday 10 May 2024

Allsorts Of Killers

 We have discussed all the many poisons that people can use ....

Glycyrrhiza Glabra - The Liquorice Plant
Glycyrrhiza Glabra - A Flowering Plant

.... to take a revenge, or commit murder most foul. In fact there are all sorts of substances, but ...

Have we ever thought of Glycyrrhiza glabra, a flowering plant of the bean family Fabaceae, from the root of which a sweet, aromatic flavouring is extracted and commonly used? Still scratching your head? .... I actually am referring to the The Liquorice Plant.

Yes that food stuff that you ate by the bag full as a kiddie, can be a killer. Now straight away I hasten to add that in moderation now and again, or even once a week in a gluttonous assault on Bertie Bassett, is perfectly safe (unless you have a very, very, weak heart).

Bertie Bassett
Bertie Bassett

Glycyrrhizic acid, which is found in black liquorice, and indeed in many other foods, and in dietary supplements, which use or contain liquorice root extract, is the substance that can cause dangerously low potassium levels, as well as electrolyte imbalances in the body.

For some people, eating even as little as two ounces (57g) of black liquorice per day for two weeks can cause heart rhythm problems for some people (especially for the over 40's). Dr Neel Butala a cardiologist from Massachusetts General Hospital said that "Even eating a small amount of black liquorice can increase your blood pressure a little bit."  

While University of Colorado cardiologist Dr Robert Eckel added that "Its more than [black] liquorice sticks. It could be jelly beans, liquorice teas, a lot of things over the counter. Even some beers, like Belgian beers, have this compound in it, as do some chewing tobaccos."  

In evidence of this, in 2019, an unnamed Massachusetts construction worker died after eating one-and-a-half bags of bags of black liquorice every day for several weeks. A few weeks before his death, he had switched from the red fruit flavoured twists, to the black traditional type. 

He initially collapsed while eating a normal meal in a fast food restaurant, when he collapsed mid-mouthful, first responders revived him at the scene and he was hospitalised, but he suddenly died the next day. An autopsy was performed, and tests found that he had 'dangerously low potassium' .... this had led to him developing an undetected heart arrhythmia, plus a few other chemical imbalance problems. 

Red Liquorice, Liquorice Root, Black Liquorice
Red Liquorice, Liquorice Root, Black Liquorice

However, please note that many liquorice-based foods do not actually contain real liquorice, but instead use a flavouring substitute called anise oil, which does not cause medical problems, and of course, despite its name, red liquorice rarely contains liquorice extract. Instead, red liquorice is mostly infused with (harmless?) chemicals, that give it a cherry or strawberry flavour.

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