
Friday 17 May 2024

Gangsta Love

This story is one that tells you a lot about where we are heading as a society, and out broken Border Security system .....

de Silva And Hudson
de Silva And Hudson

Laura Hudson was a border force officer, based at Heathrow Airport .... As part of her job, she also knew which planes would be searched for drugs, guns and other contraband etc, and which would not at Heathrow Airport

...... but she was, and or possibly still is (it was some time ago), the girlfriend of Emmanuel de Silva, a convicted drug smuggler, and former leader of yet another black gang, called London's Reservoir Dogs. A fairly obvious potential conflict of interest, and or possible security risk.

Mr de Silva was originally jailed for 23 years in 2002, but as is the way of things in the UK's broken system, he was released by 2012, when he started a relationship with Hudson. But he was convicted yet again in 2016 of conspiracy to supply cocaine and ecstasy. 
She was sacked, but not content with not getting charged with any offence (that a lot of people might be in that circumstance), she instead sued the Home Office for sex discrimination, and unfair dismissal, alleging she was treated differently to an unnamed male officer, who she claims had a close 30-year friendship with a drug importer.

How mad are we that she wasn't even charged with any offence, when she was caught in his house during a police raid in 2015. This, even though police recovered a list of flights to be targeted, and her uniform at his house. 
“At no time was I arrested, cautioned, questioned or charged by police and the respondent confirmed the criminal investigators did not have any ongoing interest.”
We even let her try to claim that as she wasn't charged in 2015, she should be compensated for losing her job, and for sexual discrimination and unfair dismissal .... she lost both claims (pdf) at the employment tribunal.

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