Friday 31 May 2024

Holiday Island Crime Wave

In September 2021 armed Police had to get the daily ferry to the isolated Channel Island of Sark (pop 500) ...... 

SARK - Trouble in Paradise
SARK - Trouble in Paradise

.... after someone reported an aggravated burglary had occurred on the island.

The Big And The Little Of It

Dinosaurs ruled the world from 252 to 66 million years ago .... during the Mesozoic Era aka the “Age of Dinosaurs.”

Age Of The Dinosaurs
Age Of The Dinosaurs

This era is divided into three time periods, the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.

Something Rotten

Well the Donald has now been found guilty of a white collar crime ......

Donald Trump Convicted Felon ....
Donald Trump Convicted Felon ....

..... after he is convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. Making him a convicted felon while running for the presidency of the United States. 

Friday 24 May 2024

Hand Of God or Bad Luck

 Normally religious deaths or martyrdoms refers to some sort of Islamic suicide bomber outrage .....

River Baptisms For Christians Is Popular
River Baptisms For Christians Is Popular

.... but this time its not. Its a Christian story.

Acts Of God?

Politicians are a breed of human that many of us rightly or wrongly tend to avoid .....

Lightening Really Can Strike Twice
Lightening Really Can Strike Twice

.... lets be honest, they don't always have a great reputation for telling the truth, but as we don't always know for sure when they are lying, many voters just trust that they will be judged either here, or by the great adjudicator in the sky on any lies they told.

Not Really A Strange Death

Whenever a conspiracist dies .....

Maxwell Bates-Spiers - Death Provoked Conspiracy Theories
Maxwell Bates-Spiers - His
Death Provoked Conspiracy Theories

It always sparks some conspiracy theories .... but doubly so in the death of Maxwell Bates-Spiers.

Friday 17 May 2024

Who Are You Again?

Many dog owners will regale you at great, and often very boring lengths about how smart their pet is.

Dog Recognition Of Owners Not What You Think
Dog Recognition Of Owners Not What You Think

These tales often involve the fact that dogs are bonded to them and recognise the owners and their families ..... well if they do, its not likely to be via facial recognition.

Gangsta Love

This story is one that tells you a lot about where we are heading as a society, and out broken Border Security system .....

de Silva And Hudson
de Silva And Hudson

Laura Hudson was a border force officer, based at Heathrow Airport .... As part of her job, she also knew which planes would be searched for drugs, guns and other contraband etc, and which would not at Heathrow Airport

Gone In A Puff Of Smoke

 Yep ..... its a Florida man story .... kinda ...

Smok-E Mountain Mech Works - Sells A Mechanical Mod.
Smok-E Mountain Mech Works
- Sells A Mechanical Mod.

.... although this time I felt sympathy for him.

Friday 10 May 2024

Cool Runner

Andrzej Bargeil became the first human to ski from the summit of K2, the worlds second highest peak at 28,251 ft (8,611m) ......

Queues To Climb Everest
Tough At The Top ..... But Not As Tough As It Used To Be.

of course he had to climb it first, which he did without the aid of supplementary oxygen.

Bully For Bullingdon

I don't know why, but I found this story a bit depressing.

Proscribed Organisation - Bullingdon Club
Bullingdon Club

Apparently Oxford Universities famous Conservative association dining club, the Bullingdon Club has been banned by the universities conservatives.

Allsorts Of Killers

 We have discussed all the many poisons that people can use ....

Glycyrrhiza Glabra - The Liquorice Plant
Glycyrrhiza Glabra - A Flowering Plant

.... to take a revenge, or commit murder most foul. In fact there are all sorts of substances, but ...

Friday 3 May 2024

Milk Money

Pilfering pussy-cats are not unknown, in fact the web is literally littered with stories and images of real life 'cat burglars' ....

Cat Burglars All Over The Web
Cat Burglars All Over The Web

.... but usually its odd things like socks ...... or occasionally other items from washing lines or neighbour's gardens. 

One Foot In The Grave

A man in his 60's who was attending an open graveside service accidentally did a backwards somersault directly into the open grave hole.

Falling Into Open Graves Is Actually Quite Common
Falling Into Open Graves
Is Actually Quite Common.

He lay stricken for half an hour ... a witness in Treorchy Cemetery in South Wales said that 'Everyone was shocked, but because the emergency services came, we all left' ... adding that a few people did stay at the graveside. The man was treated by medics for light bruising after the fire services pulled him out.

Country For Old Men

 In the last US elections in 2020 we wrote about the geriatric leadership choices facing the US electorate

Meet The New Boss ... Same As The Old Boss
Meet The New Boss ...
Same As The Old Boss

Well, scratch two and replay again .... only both candidates are even older.