
Saturday 6 December 2008

Cholera stalks Africa

I mentioned in an earlier blog that getting Mugabe out of power would a bit more than problematic, despite votes against him at home and condemnations abroad ..... well here we are some months later and Mugabe is still in power, despite losing an election, reneging on a forced power sharing scheme, and every other cop out that SADC could devise.

Now comes the news that the country has collapsed to the state that the scourge of Cholera now stalks southern Africa, with well over 600 deaths (probably double that or more) in Zimbabwe and outbreaks in other countries, as refugees take the illness with them across the borders. Previously it has only been the ruins that comprise the DR Congo, that have threatened to sink to this level of misery after independence.

How low can a country in Africa sink before other Africa leaders admit that its failed?

They still refuse to depose Mugabe, and even when figures suggest that nearly fifty percent of the population are in exile or heading for refugee camps, they will not condemn the criminal incompetence that has destroyed a whole rich country inside twenty five years.

I will not mince my words here, Black Africans politicians are little more than criminals and semi educated scum ..... they are all thieves and tyrants, and Sub Saharan Africa is a basket case, despite the odd 'good news' story.

Maybe we should just abandon the whole continent and leave them to fall back into the tribalism and barbarism that they appear to want.

There is not one, not one single one of these countries, that I would be happy to live in, and I include South Africa in that, as they are only one dictator away from the joining 'African Model'. I have friends in SA who suggest that corruption is increasingly a problem in SA, even at the top with both Mbeki and Zuma under suspicion of taking bribes.

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