
Saturday 12 September 2009

Unconsidered Consequences

The Labour Party of the UK has presided over one of the longest periods of high level mass immigration in UK history, and a large percentage of this has been made up of low skill asian immigrants. The same political party has been in charge while we suffer the worst economic depression since the 1930's, coupled with the highest level of national debt in our history.

So, when a Government Minister, John Denham, starts saying that the English Defence League, ostensibly an 'anti Islamic' group, are using the same provocative tactics as "Oswald Moseley's Brown Shirts", one has to snort in derision.

  • Which party has recreated the political climate of the nineteen thirties again in our inner cities?
  • Who has squandered over a trillion of pounds on a 'spend spend spend' economic policy, which has turned to bust?
  • Who has presided over the rise of the BNP and other right leaning parties?
The Labour Party followed policies which it thought would garner it votes .... this included mass immigration from the sub continent, because it was supposed that they would vote for the party of high welfare benefits and low immigration restrictions. Instead, it has produced a white working class backlash, with Labour Party candidates in English inner cities (who have never risked losing their seats since the 1920's), suddenly finding that their white votes are disappearing to the right.

Now labour politicians such as Mr Denham, are trying to prevent white working class people being "exploited" by [right wing] extremists ..... presumably as opposed to being exploited by the Labour Party, which has run these communities as private fiefdoms, with middle class candidates parachuted into these areas which they would never normally step foot in, and then perceived as disregarding local sensibilities, in favour of immigrant wishes?

Mr Denham has said that there is a clear link between increasing support for the far-right and discontent in predominantly white working class communities. No Shit Sherlock!

The rise of the far right in the UK is a direct response to the immigration policies of the left being foisted on the UK, and the practise of not allowing local party members to select the parliamentary candidates ....... unconsidered consequences are often the most dangerous.

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