If any story shows you how far the 'professional politicians' of today's Labour Party are from the views of their 'traditional' core of white working class supporters, then its this.
Emily Thornberry is a white Labour MP who had risen from complete obscurity to being Ed Millibands shadow attorney general .... this in its self is something of a clue as she's a lawyer .... a barrister specialising in ... yep you guessed it 'Human Rights' law. She is the Member of Parliament for
Islington South and Finsbury since 2005 .... a non traditional Labour area, full of New Labour professionals ... many of whom are the past and future millionaire labour leadership.
Born in North Surrey, her father was a visiting professor of
War Studies at
King's College London, who went on to become
United Nations Assistant Secretary General and to work for
NATO. Her Mother became a labour councillor and mayor ... so hardly what you call a
'working class' background ... but similar to the Milliband's.
Her only claim to fame until recently was to make the statement that
'almost every child in Islington had been mugged at some stage' .... possibly by people whose ethnicity we can't discuss? Anyway as you might expect from a new Labour MP from the posh side of the tracks, in order to prove her credentials, she has voted against the detention of terrorist for 90 days, and is also anti the Trident nuclear deterrent ... both of which are policies the actual working class Labour voters wanted, but hey lets not let representative politics spoil getting
'Socialist street cred'.
She is also a member of that band of Labour MP's such as the Blair's, and Diane Abbot, who publicly oppose private or selective education for the normal person, but who send their own offspring to such establishments themselves, not trusting them to the tender mercies of the state system in their own Labour run constituencies ... in this case she sent her son to the selective
Dame Alice Owen's School fourteen miles away from her home, and outside her constituency.
Chris Woodhead, the former chief inspector of schools stated at the time that while
"I celebrate her good sense as a parent and deplore her hypocrisy as a politician. When will those who espouse the virtues of the comprehensive education, apply the logic of their political message to their children?" .... answer, never.
She now lives on Richmond Crescent, where
Tony Blair also lived until he became PM, having moved in on the same day as the Blair's. Oh just to cap it all, her husband, another lawyer became a High Court judge, and was knighted.
She is also the part owner of a number of other properties, and her husband has bought ex-social housing stock for over half a million pounds, and now receives rental income from the property. It also emerged that many of the new residents are Labour Party activists ... so a capitalist landlord, taking social housing to build a private housing empire.
(no coincidence over her neighbours, her selection as an MP, nor the knighthood for husband, naturally).
So there we are, another working
class warrior .... err, well a Labour MP at any rate.
Now that we are aware of this ladies back ground, its perhaps not too surprising to find that she apparently holds white
Essex, Kent man (and woman), in somewhat low esteem. As a part of the by-election campaign to elect an MP in Rochester and Stroud.
Image from "Rochester" |
... she tweeted a picture of a terraced house with three England flags, and a white van parked outside, under the title 'Image from #Rochester'.
Denounced as 'snob' and 'out of touch' she later withdrew the tweet, and stood down from her Shadow role ... but too late. The cats is well and truly out the bag with this breed of labour MP's.
Ex Tory MP Mark Reckless won the seat for UKIP .... with Labour's Naushabah Khan a poor third on 6,713 votes .... even the BBC's assistant political editor Norman Smith said on Friday that the tweet
"plays to a very, very dangerous theme" for Labour, namely the concern
"that they are somehow dismissive, patronising, contemptuous of their own core voters".
On a personal note ... I have only voted once for Labour since the late 1970's, and part of the reason was the removal of real Labour MP's by 'New Labour' spin doctors since the late 1980's ... the new breed of hypocrites and snobs, typified by the Blair's, Ms Thornbury, the Milliband's, Ms Harmon, and Balls are a major reason why.
So coming just six months before the general election this has the same ring as Gordon Browns
attack on an old lady whose views on immigration he despised (coming from an all white seat in Scotland), calling her a bigot .... they never learn because they come from an elite that shares neither our concerns nor our education system.