
Friday 28 November 2014

Any Excuse Will Do

The violent reaction of the black community of the State Grand Jury of Missouri's decision not to prosecute Police Offer Darren Wilson, over the death of black teenager Michael Brown, was as predictable as day following night.

It seems that the idea of a peaceful vigil in the black community is long gone, replaced by the urge to burn and loot at the first 'excuse' (remember the London riots were ostensibly over a similar event, but quickly became an excuse to loot all the shops and supermarkets, then burn down the buildings) .... how long ago does the peaceful of protests of Dr King seem now?

Martin Luther King - Peaceful Protest

In fact the similarities in the end events in London and Ferguson, and the reactions afterwards, suggest that there are violent tendencies inside black communities worldwide which simple 'cultural' excuses can't really explain.

There is no proven such thing as an inherited 'culture', based upon skin colour ... For example what common culture do the black peoples in Johannesburg South Africa, or Kingston Jamaica, or St Louis USA, share? None I would suggest, they just don't share the same life experiences ... they only share the same skin colour. But as we are not allowed to suggest that there is any other genetic factor such as intelligence involved, then there's no obvious cause for this propensity for violent protest.

A few facts:
  • Mr Brown had a criminal rap sheet for violence despite his tender years.
  • On the day in question he had already robbed a shop keeper (it was filmed)
  • When challenged by the police officer there was according to the police a brief struggle between the officer and Mr Brown.
  • Officer Wilson said that before the shooting occurred, Mr Brown pushed him back into his car, hit him and briefly grabbed his drawn gun.
  • Mr Brown had been shot at 12 times and hit 6 times.
  • The State Grand Jury was randomly chosen and comprised 9 white and 3 black members, randomly chosen. 
  • The jury was very well aware of the pressures to find the officer 'guilty enough to be charged' but after weeks of sifting the evidence found that they had to separate fact from fiction, and that some witness statements had been contradicted by physical evidence. 
  • Seven or eight witnesses largely backed up Officers Wilson's account of the shooting in testimony before the grand jury. Those witnesses, like most of the people in Ferguson, are African-American.

The jury also noted that much of the evidence against the police officer turned out to be by people who had not even been at the scene, or who altered their evidence to match the facts put before them, or were simply repeating hearsay ... in other words most of the evidence from the black witnesses was lies.

And yet, still they rioted .... and looted .... lots of looting.

Ferguson Riots In Memory of .... well, who cares its just an excuse.

In fact in the reports I read, the only part of the events that I could not see fully explained, was why 12 shots and six wounds from that range? ... however I am led to understand that this can depend very much on the calibre of the hand guns the police use. If its a Dirty Harry magnum .45 then one shot and you don't get up, but smaller calibres may not stop an big guy immediately. So 12 shots (and I am assuming that the police officer didn't fire a full magazine, stop and reload, and fire another full magazine), suggests that the bullets were closer to being the Beretta 9 mm semi-automatic semi-automatic magazine which they have only just started replacing, which may not have as much stopping power, and that he missed with most of the shots.

Of course it wasn't long before the copycat rioters were out in Oakland California and the shops were soon being targeted in righteous anger .....

Righteous Anger Is Better At T-Mobile Stores

Yet lets compare and contrast with the killing of a white teen by a black police officer in Salt Lake City in similar circumstances .... no rioting, a peace vigil and a petition .. that's it. Strange isn't it? PC nonsense means that we can't really speculate why faced with a similar event, two sets of human beings from the same country, whose only difference we are told is skin deep, react so differently nearly every time.

The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, shows that: 
  • 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders; 
  • 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders; 
  • 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders;
  • 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders

Racial Homicides USA

 ..... so who is persecuting blacks in the US?

Update 30/05/2020: Its interesting to note that the killing of black American George Floyd, has resulted in a spate of rioting, arson and looting by protesters, following the arrest and charges against the white Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin. These are following much the same pattern as the riots, arson and looting that occurred on earlier 'black protests' in America and elsewhere. 


  1. The commonality between these black cultures is the history of oppression by the white ruling classes in their respective countries and the lack of compensation for the injustices that generations of their families endured.

    1. Hi Vroomfondel.

      Well colonialism was certainly a fact .... but not an explanation of why all their protests have to be violent, and frankly counter-productive, burning out and looting local businesses, whether in London, LA, or Ferguson, is just plainly stupid. The 'rioters' and 'looters', just left many of their more legally industrious black neighbours unemployed.

      How long do we carry white 'imperial guilt' for, or should the sins of the grandfathers be forever visited upon the heads of their grandchildren? Should the Germans for example pay war reparations forever? ... is this the new form of what colonialists once called the 'white mans burden' ... guilt?

      I for one don't subscribe to it after half a century .... Black independence or liberation started as long ago as 1956, when the Gold Coast (Ghana) gained independence, and over the following decade the vast majority of Black African and Caribbean states became independent. In general most were free by 1960 .... nearly 55 years ago .... Similarly the Civil Rights movements in the USA gained recognition for their cause in the 1960's and the USA even ended up with a Black US President.

      As for the black states, their shared fates can best be summed up by this BBC comment on one of them "Ghana's post-independence history has been one of political and economic decline [since colonial rule]. Despite being rich in mineral resources, and endowed with a good education system and efficient civil service, Ghana fell victim to corruption and mismanagement soon after independence in 1957."

      After this length of time outside of the colonial rule, other former colonial races have moved on and upwards. Both Malaya and Singapore gained independence in 1963, after very much longer occupations by white ruling classes in their respective countries (Black Africa was only really drawn into colonial empires from the 1870's onwards), and are now generally law abiding and comparatively wealthy populations (well Singaporeans for sure).

      I guess its a subject that divides ... I believe that if all peoples are equal in their capacities, then they are equally as capable of rising above their historic pasts, whether that be Singaporeans, or residents of Ferguson in the USA. So the protesters in Ferguson should be as capable of peaceful protest as their compatriots in Salt Lake City.

      If however, all peoples are not equal in their capacities, then even so individuals are only as tied to behaviour as they choose to be by lack of ambition, or as they are intellectually capable of performing. In other words, all things being equal, there should be no limitations on aspirations, or differences of behaviours between peoples, including differentiating between criminal and non criminal, and stupid or counter productive behaviours.

      Thanks for the comment. I appreciate them ...

    2. My comment wasn't meant as an explanation or justification of violent protests, just an observation of the cultures mentioned in your post, as is the rest of this comment.

      You listed many good reasons why this commonality should not explain bad behaviour, but they ressemble all the good reasons why one shouldn't eat too much, or smoke - people do it anyway.

    3. Yeah, I guess .... still worthy of a discussion. Thanks my friend.


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