
Friday 12 July 2024

Illicit Gains

Once again, when the honesty of a member of the public was tested by the receipt of mistaken funds being placed into their bank accounts ..... 

Japanese Yen
Japanese Yen

..... they were found to have failed the test.

In this case, it was in Abu, Japan, during the COVID crisis, an administrative error resulted in the entire cities Covid relief fund being deposited in to the bank account of an unnamed individual. The Y46.3m yen (£287,000) was meant to be divided between 463 low income families to help, but instead was in the account of a 24 year old man.

Did he return it? Did he heck as like .... in a manner similar to those other cases documented on this site, he immediately gambled the entire amount away in On-Line casinos. In fact by the time the error had been found, there was not a Yen left. He told the shocked city officials via his lawyer that "I don't currently have the money or anything with property value at hand. Its actually difficult to return it." .... he then promptly disappeared.

His lawyer indicated that his client had now made up his mind to return the money 'bit by bit', according to reports. The city officials diverted funds from other programs to make up the lost money to the families needing the help. Town mayor Norihiko Hanada welcomed the decision to try and repay but said that the town is not planning to withdraw the lawsuit.

Of course they were suing the man, but at age 24 (and if they ever find him), he wouldn't have the funds to repay them probably for decades.

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