Fact: In the UK last year there were 58 gun related murders (That's less than in Los Angeles).
Myth: "Gun crimes are sweeping the UK, with teenage gangs and ghettos everywhere you look".
Perspective: Over 3,000 people died of MRS in UK hospitals last year.
Issue: How to stop the myth overtaking the facts and removing the Politically Correct element from the discussion.
The first problem in discussing gun murders in the UK, is the tendency of the politicians to pussyfoot around and say "Teenage gun crimes are across all the cities and ethnic groups of the country".
It's a fact that the vast majority of teenage gun crimes are by blacks on blacks, and those white youths who are involved, live largely in black majority areas and are associated with mixed race gangs. This fact is the same in every country where there are large African descent or Afro Caribbean communities. In the US, most gun related murders take place in black populated ghettos, and the same applies in other countries. I am sure that any reader of this blog will be able to find exceptions to this rule, but these are the exceptions that prove the rule, so taking this as a fact, I have to consider why this may be the case.
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The Perception Of Gun Criminality ..... |
Are black societies more violent than White or Asian ones? On the face of it yes, after all, where ever you look black societies have high murder rates, from Haiti and Somalia (where society itself has collapsed into gun gangs), to South Africa, where on average there are 22,000 murders per year, the vast majority involving guns. Even inside white majority countries the gun related murder rate within black communities is higher than the average for the non black areas. So for your average person, the case is proved, Black men are violent and the facts prove it.
However, lets take a closer look at this. We can pick any country or area e.g. the US or the UK and find two common facts. On average black boys leave school earlier (and consequently with less educational qualifications), than any other ethnic group in the country, and they are more likely to have been brought up in a single parent household than is the average for their non black counterparts. Even in some black majority mixed ethnicity countries such as South Africa, these facts often still hold true.
Examining the more complex second point first, the increasingly feckless nature of men in relation to bringing up their children is not reserved solely to black men, indeed one has to ask, why women are prepared to birth children in ever more insecure "relationships", with men who have a track record for abandoning their partners? I don't really have an answer to this issue, but would point to a few related areas that may influence this, and impact the black community more than the non black:
- The acceptance by society of what used to be called "illegitimate" kids from the 1960's onwards, has created a background in which brief child bearing relationships can thrive (although what women get out of this is hard to see).
- The growth of welfare provisions (Housing and Benefits) has meant society pays for these kind of relationships, and has led to a massive growth in single parent 'families' with multiple fathers, and a 'no responsibility' attitude amongst the men who father these kids.
- The promotion of certain kinds of beauty i.e. White and Blonde, from models to sports stars e.g. David Beckham and a string of female tennis women such as Kournikova or Sharipova, has led to the idea that black beauty (especially female) is somehow lesser. I know this may be controversial, but if you look at famous black men and their partners you will see what I mean. Kofi Annan (UN Secretary General) has a blonde Norwegian wife. Tiger Woods the golfer, has a blonde Scandinavian wife. Most of the black England football players (soccer, for US people) have blonde or white wives, and so on and so on. In fact the only exception I could think of was General Colyn Powell (ex US Chief of Staff) who has a black wife. This appears to indicate that the old "slave & mistress" syndrome is still being played out in black society, with an aspiration for a white partner still being an indication of success for black males. This adversely impacts black females and their hopes for a stable family life, more than for example blonde females.
- The collapse of the "Christian" values of western society has led to a moral crisis in a society which finds its values under threat from its own underclass and from Islam. The UK has just recorded the lowest ever recorded number of weddings (They started recording in the1860's). This means the idea of the "family" is less secure than ever before, and in the UK we are reverting to a "heathen" state, with the majority being only vaguely religious in belief and acting in a secular (civil?) manner.
There are most certainly other issues, but I suspect that these are the main causes. Why the black community should be disproportionately affected maybe simply down to the fact that they are a displaced and rootless society, which has only been in control of its own destiny since the 1960's when MacMillans "winds of change" speech augured the end of colonisation in Africa, and the social changes in the USA that granted full civil rights to the black community. Therefore they have no traditions to fall back on for guidance on what is acceptable or not acceptable male behaviour in their community ... so for example, in the USA the preponderance (67%) of black children are raised in single parent households (White 24%, Hispanic 41%) ... in the UK is 24.3% (White 10.2%).
Returning to the first point, educational qualifications. Here maybe I am on more secure ground, because the days when any boy could leave school at 16 with no qualifications and get training (an apprenticeship in my day) are long gone. The requirements for a workforce are Qualifications and I.T. skills, and these are in short supply amongst early school leavers. As a group, black males do worse at school than any other group by some margin, and leave school at the earliest ages in the largest numbers. This makes them disproportionately represented amongst the unemployable teenagers on the street, and therefore disproportionately at risk of getting involved in crime.
I can only assume that these early school leavers have their heads full of dreams of instant fame via a Internet fame, or Rap bands, or Reality TV (a modern curse, that fulfils all Barnum's dictum about not going broke appealing to the lowest possible denominator of taste or intelligence), because they are as sure as hell defining their future lives as "poor, and unemployed" and probably with a prison featuring in it.
So where do guns come into this? Well I suspect it goes like this.
- You are a male aged 17, on the streets and totally unemployable.
- You have a lot of time on your hands, and your only friends are on the streets with you.
- Around you are goods and services that can only be obtained by either working and earning money (which you are not equipped to do), or via cash obtained by crime.
- Cash can therefore only be obtained via crime, and joining a gang is the only male "respect" you are ever going to obtain.
- Once in a gang, you can only keep their respect by acts of 'bravado', ranging from defending 'territory', to assisting in crimes that assert your authority over your own and others lives, because the alternative is to accept that you are the lowest that society can produce.
- To defend your territory, or assist in crimes, then violence or using threats of violence is a requirement, and therefore logically you should carry weapons to intimidate the intruders or victim.
- Going from using a knife, that involves some element of physical risk to yourself, to a gun, which is actually less likely to get you hurt, is an easy step to make.
- Once that step has been made, the need to use the gun to get 'respect' from the community around you, becomes an inevitability, because a threat is only a threat if the victim knows you are prepared to follow up the threat.
The recent spate of gun murders that prompted this blog post, are all involving black teenagers and either gang wars or 'respect' issues. As a group I don't think blacks are inherently more violent than non black, but as a group I think they are more susceptible to the conditions that lead young men into violent crimes. Mr Blair promised "Education, Education, Education", "Tough on crime, and tough on the causes of crime" and recently "To stop kids leaving school at 16"
I leave it to others to decide whether he has met any of those promises, but I accuse him of letting down the black community by allowing this cycle of failure at school, and the inevitable fast track into crime by it's boys, to continue simply because the PC left won't allow the problem to be addressed.
The Left wing, and its race industry acolytes declare any discussion on this issue to be 'racist', and therefore a PC crime, and Mr Blair has gone along with this intimidation, to the detriment of the very group the Left claim to represent.
rt of the "distraction" goverment. Take the minds off the big real problem, by letting the facts of a smaller story get in the way.
ReplyDeleteHi, I have just read this post and its date. It could have been written last week or a decade ago. I think that you may have hit the nail on the head and its a pity that no-one seems to have tackled this social issue. Just thought I would tell you this.
ReplyDeleteThe non-discussion of this issue has only got worse with the rise of Woke politics and the Black Lives Matters nonsense. We just ignore the real issues to the detriment of every race and ethnic groups. We reap what we sow.