
Monday 26 November 2007

Saudi Spin on Sharia Justice

The story of the Saudi rape victim, who has been put into prison and ordered to be whipped just refuses to go away (although the deafening silence from our 'boy' Foreign Secretary would make you wonder if it had ever arrived).
Saudi Women Don't Offer Men Lifts
Saudi Women Don't Offer Men Lifts

The Saudi's, in an effort to put a better spin on their barbaric legal system, have decided to release "New" details. Well according to official press agency, "The Saudi justice minister expressed his regret about the media reports over the role of the woman in this case, which put out false information and wrongly defend her," the statement said, "The charged girl is a married woman who confessed to having an affair with the man she was caught with." .... well that's OK then, be still my liberal heart.
But not content with this statement, intended to make us all realise the benignity of Sharia Laws, they went on to try and guild the lily, by adding that she has reportedly now said that she met the car-owner in order to retrieve a photo of them together, having herself recently got married. She also says two men entered the car and drove them to a secluded area where others were waiting, and both she and her male companion were gang raped.

This latest justice ministry statement, is at odds with previous published testimony of the woman, who is a Shia Muslim from the Qatif area.

Oh, that's cleared that up then .... so let's just get this straight:
  1. This girl somehow manages to set up and have an affair with a married man (not an easy task in Saudi Arabia), and of course the man is innocent.
  2. Then she gets married and wants a photo of them together, given back.
  3. She meets the man in a car, where by chance two members of a rape gang spot them.
  4. They are then hijacked and taken to another location where a bunch of Arabs are waiting to rape them both.
  5. She appeals against the length of sentences handed out.
  6. The jurists panel decide that they will increase the sentences, but add to hers (for being in a car with a man who is not her father or husband).
The end result, because there was a man raped,
  • The rapists get a prison sentence.
  • The male 'adulterer' gets sentenced to 90 lashes (no prison for him, even though it was he who was married .... there's Arab justice for you).
  • The victim, gets a prison and a whipping sentence.
So lets review this, because I am so stunned by the latest revelations.
  1. The Saudis are admitting to having gangs of men just hanging around waiting the rape anyone of either sex who they get hold of.... isn't that against Islam? Isn't homosexuality banned, as Muslims are always claiming? Officially homosexuality is considered a crime and forbidden in most Islamic countries, like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc although some, such as Turkey don't have any laws. In Saudi Arabia, the maximum punishment for homosexuality is public execution, but the government will use other punishments—e.g., fines, jail time, and whipping
  2. In a culture where young men hold hands with other boys, in an all male street culture, where women are never seen, homosexuality has always been rife, and apparently so are rapists. Despite the laws, some Muslim nations are widely perceived to have a thriving underground homosexual subculture.
  3. The Quran and Hadiths promises sex with young boys for martyrs. One of the rewards all Muslims are promised is 72 virgins (Houri's) plus 12 boys servants. (The number of virgins is not specified in Quran, it comes from a quotation of Muhammad recorded in one of the lesser known Hadith).
  4. Gang rape is a very real fear for women in Muslim countries - In Pakistan and India women are often gang raped as punishment for some perceived family crime (and this is a Hindu as well as Muslim crime) and in Arab countries gangs of young men gather during the Eid festival and then hunt down women (often even those who are accompanied by men) and grope, assault or even gang rape them.
  5. Punishment for rapists is rare, punishment for the victim (or even if she succesfully defends herself) is common and often extreme.
The Quran is somewhat ambivalent about homosexuality, as sodomy has been an Arab vice since well before the advent of Islam, and Mohammed's followers included men who kept boys as concubines. North India became so full of pedarists that families sent their young boys to the Hindu south to escape the clutches of men searching for boys. The Arab world has a history of denial but practise of homosexuality. Even today, Sheik Fallah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan the brother of the Emir of the United Arab Emirates was arrested in Switzerland for sexually assaulting a man and then beating him when he was rebuffed.

The Public denial is because its a sin; And yet, as shown the Quran implies young virgin boys will be available for the faithful in paradise. Being raped by Muslims has been a common fate for all men captured by their armies, from the 8th century (2nd Mohammed) right through to Napoleon's men.
Paradise includes provisions for both interests (obviously not for women), however as it is prohibited by Allah, this contradiction (there can be no errors in the Quran), is couched in ambiguous terms that don't specify what the faithful will do with the boys on offer (although it doesn't take much guessing ...... 'scattered like virgin pearls' isn't subtle).
  • (QURAN 52:24): "And there will go round boy-servants of theirs, to serve them as if they were preserved pearls."
  • (QURAN 56:17): "They will be served by immortal boys (Ghilman or Ghils)."
  • (QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."
  • Sura 52:24. "And there shall wait on them young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.
  • Sura 56:17. "And there shall wait on them immortal youths with bowls and pitchers of water and a cup of purest wine."
  • Sura 76:19. "They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who will seem like scattered pearls to the beholders."

Arabic poetry also glorifies homosexuality, e.g. Abu Nuwas
O the joy of sodomy!/So now be sodomites, you Arabs./Turn not away from it--therein is wondrous pleasure./Take some coy lad with kiss-curls twisting on his temple/and ride as he stands like some gazelle standing to her mate./A lad whom all can see girt with sword/and belt not like your whore who has to go veiled./Make for smooth-faced boys and do your/very best to mount them,/for women are the mounts of the devils.
And a poem by a 12th century poet in Spain, Muhammad ibn Malik
"Friday/ in the mosque/ my gaze fell upon a slim young man/ beautiful/ as the rising moon./ When he bent forward in prayer/ my only thought was/ oh, to have him/ stretched out/ flat before me,/ buttocks-up,/ face-down./"

Also in today's news, an English woman teacher in Sudan is under arrest because her Muslim kids in a Christian / Muslim school named a teddy bear 'Mohammed' .... as you might expect the 'rent-a-mob' from a local mosque and boy gangs were roused out to 'Kill the Kafir' (or worse), so she is now in prison awaiting a charge under Sharia Law. No word from our Dhimmi foreign secretary, so nothing new there then (if this was the US they would have cut aid, moved an aircraft carrier off coast and started the clock ticking before Sudan needed a new capital).

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