Once again the voters of a '
heartland' parliamentary constituency have exposed the deep flaw in our system. Despite thirteen years of a Labour Party Government that left our country "bankrupt", and a previous Labour MP who is in prison because of expenses fraud, the Muppet's in the Barnsley Central constituency, proudly gave the Labour Party a ringing endorsement with a slightly
increased majority of 11,771.
If Labour can increase its majority in seats like this after virtually destroying the country, then what hope for democracy? The political parties can virtually put up a brick in their "heartlands", and it will get elected, so ingrained is the tribal voting pattern in many places.
The New Harriet Harman selection policies
threw up standardised Labour candidate. |
Talking of "heartlands" ..... "
We always vote labour here ... their for us working people" is the refrain you will hear in many total wasteland "
Labour" council housing estates across the North of the UK ..... not once do they wonder why the hell holes they live in, where in fact, 'working people' are as rare as snowdrops in hell, are still unchanged after decades of "voting labour" and long spells of Labour Government?
Could it be that Labour MP's must keep these "
heartland" constituencies like this, because if they fixed them, these 'brick voters' might start to vote with some recognition of which party has actually tried to meet their growing aspirations, rather than just for some political party who throw more public money at the welfare benefit system?
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