Like seers throughout the ages, from Old Mother Shipton, to Nostradamus, blog commentators always feel impelled to have a stab at the coming years events .... its a chance to look stupid within months, weeks or even days.
But what the heck, here we go for 2012:
Oh and one last one ..... the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012 will not be the end of the world .... well not unless the world reacts badly to one of the above, in which case maybe it will be. And that's my thoughts for the year ahead .....
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Nosterdamus And Mother Shipton |
But what the heck, here we go for 2012:
- Iran will test fire a Nuclear Bomb sometime this year, with all that this implies.
- All the 'Arab Spring' states will end up with Islamist parties in power, with all that this implies.
- Nigeria will move closer towards a civil war based upon the Islamic Christian splits that already exist.
- North Korea will attack South Korean forces in another calculated gamble that they can force more aid from them.
- Pakistan will continue to slide backwards, and the army will take over again (that's if they ever really let go).
- Greece will pull out of the Euro, and at least one other state will follow suite.
Oh and one last one ..... the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012 will not be the end of the world .... well not unless the world reacts badly to one of the above, in which case maybe it will be. And that's my thoughts for the year ahead .....
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