Once again the news is filled with the phrase “
Rivers of Blood” and the name of
Enoch Powell. This time it’s because a wannabe
Tory politician has said that “
When you ask most people in the Black Country (Midlands area) what the single biggest problem facing the country is, most say immigration. …. Many insist: 'Enoch Powell was right'.
It’s an oft quoted line from the speech, and despite the PC lefties making it virtually a racist offence to mention it in public, you hear it a lot in salon bars and working men’s clubs across the nation. It’s become a sort of code for the fact that most people will privately agree with its sentiments, whilst publicly stating the opposite.
This is a reflection of how well the media and left wing have stifled all debate on a subject, that given the intense nature of peoples private beliefs, the right wing have handled so badly. Turning a natural vote winner into a handicap, because they couldn’t take on leftie propaganda, was a pretty dumb trick and did a lot of electoral damage.
The original speech made in 1968 made the following points:
- In 15 or 20 years (i.e. 1988), on present trends, there will be in this country, three and a half million (New) Commonwealth immigrants and their descendants.
- There is no comparable official figure for the year 2000, but it must be in the region of five to seven million, approximately one-tenth of the whole population, and approaching that of Greater London.
- There will be annual inflows of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population.
- The formation of a Race Relations Board will allow the immigrant population to agitate and campaign against their fellow citizens, and to overawe and dominate the rest with the legal weapons which the ignorant and the ill-informed have provided.
- That Britain will invite the creation of the same social problems that the US inherited with the Negro population.
OK now I may be losing my ability to analyse issues, so I will quote the latest figures for the predictions.
According the
CIA world fact book, with a population officially stated as 60.5 million, the ethnic mix of the UK is as follows (2001):
- White: 92.1% (55,660,000)
- Black or Brown (New Commonwealth): 6.3% (3,811,500) – Mr Powell predicted 5 million for AD 2000, however there are believed to be at least 500,000 illegal’s in the UK so he’s not that far wrong.
- Other: 1.6% (968,000)
According the Office of National Statistics *Net Immigration to the UK was as follows:
- 2000: 162,800
- 2001: 171,000
- 2002: 153,400
- 2003: 151,000
- 2004: 222,600
*(Immigrants minus Emigrants)
Of course this is all sources, not just New Commonwealth, but they are the majority and the term “net” in reality usually means White British emigration and majority non white immigration.
For a comprehensive look at these figures, including racial or geographical origins then go to this interactive report on the
Born Abroad Project.
And for his other two predictions, well how many people think that the Race Relations Board and its spin off groups, didn’t soon become a political body to beat up the white majority with, rather than a racial equality board? For instance an influential ‘New Labour’ “Think Tank”, the ‘
Institute for Public Policy Research’ came up with the following
- Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations
- Action to "ensure access" for ethnic minorities to "largely white" countryside.
- Flying flags other than the Union Jack i.e. a Pakistani flag.
The report robustly defends multiculturalism - the idea that different communities should not be forced to integrate but should be allowed to maintain their own culture and identities. I would remind this New Labour band of PC brothers that a former Labour MP and Minister,
John Stonehouse pointed out the folly of this approach in the 1960’s. “
To claim special communal rights leads to a dangerous fragmentation within society. This communalism is a canker; whether practised by one colour or another, it is to be strongly condemned”
Or if you think they are too far off beam (but they did come up with ID cards, bin taxes and road pricing), how about a girl denied a training course because she was “
English and White” … If Enoch had suggested this would be the state in 2007, he would have been locked up, not just howled down.
Finally, I will simply point to the fact that our prison system holds
- More than 11,000 of the 81,000 prison as foreign nationals.
- And 25% of prison inmates were non white, 15% were black and 6% were Asian. As Non Whites only make up 7% of the population, the fact that they make up 25% of the prison population indicates that they are more than three times as likely to be involved in crimes. Isn’t that a sign that we have the same problems on race and integration as the US?
So factually there appears to be not one item wrong with the content of the Mr. Powell’s speech, so why the fuss? Why didn’t it open up the immigration and race debate that Enoch wanted?
Sadly Rivers Of Blood Are All Too Common These Days. |
It’s got to be the term “
I seem to see …’ the River Tiber foaming with much blood’" … as usual the Media and the Left misunderstood what an Oxford trained classical scholar was alluding to, it wasn’t a call to arms, but rather a dire warning of what may be. It was a classical allusion; to the Cumaean Sybil’s prophesy in Virgil’s Aeneid, bk. 6, l. 86:
“Et Thybrim multo spumantem sanguine cerno.”
She is foreseeing the troubles that come from immigration, but it is to the troubles suffered by an immigrant that she refers – the hero, the immigrant in question—Aeneas—travels to Italy at the head of a determined retinue, carrying his household gods and a divine right of residence. His intention to settle is not to be gainsayed, and if this means “
wars, horrid wars,” so be it…. i.e. the cause of the river foaming with much blood.
I might add that the phrase
“rivers of blood” was also used by, among others, Thomas Jefferson and Winston Churchill…. However, it was an allusion that bypassed the comprehensive educated Left wing, and the equally ignorant chattering classes. He should have stuck to the Latin and it would have been ignored as “too highbrow”.
The left reacted to Powell and the
mass support he received by the public, with the usual contempt they reserved for popular opinions that they don’t share. As the Labour Party politician
Richard Crossman noted in his diaries, Powell had "
stirred up the nearest thing to a mass movement since the 1930s", "
stimulating a real revolt of the masses ... the illiterate industrial proletariat who have turned up in strength and revolted against the literate". A Gallup poll held at the end of April showed that 74% of the electorate agreed with Powell…. Whereas the political establishment might condemn him, he had clearly struck a chord with the "illiterate industrial proletariat". The 'illiterate industrial proletariat' aka the working class, that Mr Crossman was insulting were in fact 100% Labour voters.
As it was, Mr Powell's turn of phrase
(just a little educated showing off for the classically trained), is likely to have prevented any coherent discussion, and maybe some action, on curbing immigration for 40 yrs. It probably did more damage to his own cause, and therefore many would, think our country, than Hitler’s bombs managed. Somewhat ironically the speech was delivered on the 20th April, Hitler’s birthday, by a patriotic man who was correct in his predictions, and who meant only to avert a social disaster.
To misquote from his speech, those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.
We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of such immigrant numbers that, for reasons which we can not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which we were never consulted, caused us the native population, to feel that we have found ourselves made strangers in our own country.
Rivers of Blood quotes:
We are asking the nations of Europe between whom rivers of blood have flowed to forget the feuds of a thousand years. Winston Churchill
The rivers of America will run with blood filled to their banks before we will submit to them taking the Bible out of our schools. William A. Sunday
..all will attain representative government, more or less perfect. This is now well understood to be a necessary check on kings, whom they will probably think it more prudent to chain and tame, than to exterminate. to attain all this however rivers of blood must yet flow, and years of desolation pass over. Thomas Jefferson
The Croatian president accused Serbian President Mr. Milosevic of "staging land grabs to enlarge Serbia, and of provoking warfare that created rivers of blood.'' Croatia President, Stjepan Mesic
Revelations 16
which talks of the several bowls of God's wrath which are the 7 plagues. They are: Grievous sores; Seas of blood; Rivers of Blood; The Sun scorching people; Darkness; River Euphrates dries up; Severe earthquake.
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