The WikiLeaks website has exposed much that needed exposing, and much that should perhaps not have been exposed .....
... however I doubt that many would not approve of the Guantanamo Bay leaks.
The leaks stated that:
The documents confirmed that at least 35 detainees at Guantanamo have passed through Britain before being sent to fight against Allied forces in Afghanistan. This is probably more than from any other Western nation, and yet the UK Government has paid millions of pounds in compensation to these same people regarded as dangerous by the US. Abu Qatada for example was paid compensation under the 'human rights' laws for being “unfairly detained”, yet is described in the documents as “the most successful recruiter in Europe”. Hamza is accused in the documents of encouraging “followers to murder non-Muslims”.
And if you wonder where the term ‘Londonistan’ comes from? Well, so bad was the phenomenon of Islamic extremists, radicalised in Afghanistan, flowing unhindered through the UK, that the French secret service, which had apparently tried in vain to alert Labour Britain to the dangers of this blind eye policy, dubbed it ‘Londonistan’ in a sarcastic reference to this flow into London of Muslim extremists.
So why did the UK governments of the 1990's and early years of this decade, allow this to happen? .... well most analysts suggest that three factors were at play.
- Firstly it exposed the fact that a number of the internees were known to be low level or innocent of crime. This begs the question as to why they weren't returned to Afghanistan by the US interrogators?
- But secondly, that the UK really was a 'Londonistan' as far as Islamic Jihadists were concerned, with the UK routinely allowing them and their families 'Asylum', despite their crimes and extreme views which were contrary to all our liberal values.
The documents confirmed that at least 35 detainees at Guantanamo have passed through Britain before being sent to fight against Allied forces in Afghanistan. This is probably more than from any other Western nation, and yet the UK Government has paid millions of pounds in compensation to these same people regarded as dangerous by the US. Abu Qatada for example was paid compensation under the 'human rights' laws for being “unfairly detained”, yet is described in the documents as “the most successful recruiter in Europe”. Hamza is accused in the documents of encouraging “followers to murder non-Muslims”.
And if you wonder where the term ‘Londonistan’ comes from? Well, so bad was the phenomenon of Islamic extremists, radicalised in Afghanistan, flowing unhindered through the UK, that the French secret service, which had apparently tried in vain to alert Labour Britain to the dangers of this blind eye policy, dubbed it ‘Londonistan’ in a sarcastic reference to this flow into London of Muslim extremists.
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One set of rules for Muslim protesters, and one for the rest of us? |
So why did the UK governments of the 1990's and early years of this decade, allow this to happen? .... well most analysts suggest that three factors were at play.
- Firstly there was an unspoken "covenant of terror", in which UK governments turned a blind eye to the activities in the London Mosques, and swathes of the Muslim community in London, Bradford and Luton etc, and in return they wouldn't attack us or our allies.
- Secondly, there was the left-wing obsession with 'Race Politics' and 'Political Correctness', which meant that it was OK to challenge Irish Republicanism's use of violence, including terror attacks, bombings and assassinations, but not to challenge Islam's happiness to accept any calls to kill 'infidels' and use suicide bombers to terrorise the 'Kafirs', for fear that they would be called "Racists" (it being better to let them kill us than be called names eh?).
- Thirdly, Sixteen of the detainees sent back to Britain are regarded as “high risk” by the US authorities, and are liable to plan attacks against the West in future. However, they have been paid a reported £1 million each in compensation by the UK Government.
- Fourthly, that British taxpayers’ money was used to bankroll an Afghan politician who was sent to Guantánamo Bay, after being exposed as an al-Qaeda aide. Mullan Haji Rohullah received more than £300,000 to destroy his opium crop – but he sold the drugs, and also kept the money from the Department for International Development.
- Finally that the remaining UK citizen at Guantánamo Bay, is an al-Qaeda commander who directed terrorist forces in Tora Bora during the Afghanistan conflict. His family, who were previously allegedly paid directly by Osama Bin Laden, is thought to have also received compensation from the Government.
And finally there was the adoption of the 'Human Rights Act' which some UK Judges take great delight in using to protect terrorist suspects from being deported, because their 'human rights' would be infringed.
Kim Howells, a former Minister for the Middle East in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from May 2005 until October 2008 and chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee, of Parliamentarians that oversees the work of Britain's intelligence and security agencies, was on BBC radio this morning. He made the following points in the interview:
- He 'couldn't find a single Imam who was prepared to say that suicide bombers would be sent to hell'.
- The 'discussion on allowing Islamic extremists asylum in the UK, was held back by political correctness, after 9/11, even though it was obvious that these people didn't subscribe to political correctness'
- The 'fear of being labelled a 'Racist' stopped open debate' and
- That 'when splinter Irish Republican groups say that they are going to kill police and civilians again, both civil and religious leaders condemn it, but when Muslim preachers say its OK to kill 'Infidels' there is complete silence from with in the Muslim community and elsewhere.'
Well 9/11/2001 and then 7/7/2005 finally proved to many (but not the far left-wing of the Labour and Liberal parties), that this approach had done great damage to the UK around the world and at home. However its now accepted that its probably too late to undo the damage .... the decade of unrestricted non EU immigration, ushered in by the New Labour government, has probably consigned the UK to decades of racial and religious strife.
Some indicators of how far down disaster road we have been driven are;
- ‘Sharia creep’ - the rise of a parallel justice systems within the UK's Muslim communities has been well documented - women are being driven back in to 7th Century subservience inside the UK. This is helped by 'well meaning' Christian fools, calling for some sort of incorporation of Sharia in to mainstream UK law, saying its inevitable.
- Islamic 'extremist' speakers appear unchallenged regularly at British universities, which block 'unbelievers' attending the talks.
- Iranian and other 'propaganda' TV shows are freely available in London and elsewhere, as well as extremists CDs and DVD's which despite being illegal are found in many 'Islamic' stores.
- Islamic banking: The US fears that this is an umbrella system for financing and hiding terrorist funds.
- The subversion of the human rights laws, to defend known terrorists, and and then reward them with hundreds of thousands of pounds of public funds to stop them plotting and carrying out attacks on us.
- The western security services are aware that many terror groups have chattered that a 'nuclear bomb' has been planted somewhere in Europe, and the British security services have warned that a 'dirty bomb' attack will be attempted in the UK sometime ... 1 + 1 =?
Oh, and one other thing to ponder ... the WikiLeaks documents revealed that several of the worst of the Guantanamo Bay suspected terrorists were all found to possess a phone number at the BBC World Service and that the US government suspected the BBC of being a “possible propaganda media network” for al-Qaeda... fanciful mischief making maybe, but you won't hear the BBC reporting that part of the story. Strangely the number appears to have been disconnected, but was thought to be for an employee of the BBC World Service, which was then funded by the Foreign Office
Update: The attack on the Finsbury Park Mosque by Darren Osborne from Cardiff on the 18th June 2017 may well be influenced by its former notoriety as a *hot bed of extremism. Oh, and the local MP is one Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party leader, who helped set this Mosque up in 1994.
*The radical Abu Hamza al-Masri became the Imam of the Mosque, while both Al Qaeda operatives including "shoebomber" Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui attended the mosque. In 2002, The Guardian newspaper reported that weapons training had taken place inside the building ... it was closed in 2003 after a police raid, and only reopened in February 2005, when a new board of trustees supported by the Muslim Association of Britain turned it around.
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