
Sunday 10 April 2011

Lazy Bones

Finally this week .. the man who is currently hiding his face the most, has to be that member of the Singapore defence forces who having received his call up papers, had his maid carry his kit bag to the boot camp.

Lazy Spoilt Singapore Soldier
Lazy Spoilt Soldier

The picture was all over Facebook, and is now viral on the web .... the soldier has not been named, but you can bet your life he will be .... in the meantime, the web has been full of jokes from men, and outrage from women in equal measure.

A raft of parodies of Singaporean soldiers storming into battle, followed by their maids, has appeared, including one of SAF troops marching in their serried ranks, followed by serried ranks of domestic helpers carrying their bags.

Here's a couple of the funniest memes ....


There are others ..... and the red face of the squaddie who has caused this loss of face to the Singaporean  Armed Forces command, will be something to behold when its finally unmasked.    

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