
Friday 11 May 2012

Dual Standards

An interesting thought ..... in the US and elsewhere, much has been made by the chattering classes of the fact that one of the US military colleges had a one day course, that apparently advocated a possible idea of adopting a "total war" against Islam in response to the 'total war of the Jihad ideology'. Many of the commentators are 'anti American' , and certainly have not read the course material being shown on the web, and which the US military have confirmed is real. 

I can say that because I have just taken page 7 of the material to display ...... 

Page 7 of the Lt Col Matthew Dooley Course Material.

Now I may not be everyone's idea of intelligent life, but I was aware that military training has to think the improbable and impossible, in order to train for all eventualities, but this seems to be something of a shock and awe idea for left-wingers. 'Oh my god, some nasty military people think Islam is a violent creed!!'

However, I suspect that even they would have to concede that the first point on this page clearly states that ... "The purpose of this model is to generate dynamic discussion and thought. The concepts considered herein are not the Official Policy of the United States Government or the DoD, nor are they in any part listed within the current NSS, NDS, QDR, QDDR or any official DoD document."... seems clear enough to me, its a theoretical discussion but that won't stop a witch hunt of the good Lt Colonel.

Oh and just a thought, if in Muslim countries, 'Jihad' is taught as a legitimate concept to be used against the West in mainstream Islamic teachings, then why is it not OK for the West's last defender to discuss the same concept being used against the Islam?

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