
Saturday 12 May 2012

Mayan Calendar Art

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, 2012 has seen an explosion of 'mockumentaries' which claim that the Mayans predicted the end of the world.

Mayan Scribes Calendar Calculations Go Past 2012 AD
Mayan Scribes Calendar Calculations Go Past 2012 AD 

Now any reader of this blog will be aware that we at PC towers are as keen on the word 'Apocalypse' as the next 'Forteans', but also that we prefer it to be just far enough away, as to not ruin the weekend.
Its doubtful if any evidence to the contrary will crush the greatest hopes of the end of the world 'New Agers ' etc, which is of course for the end of the world to come, and as the final catastrophe occurs, and they board the 'alien mothership' on a French mountain top, they can finally triumphantly shout "Told You So!". But sadly for them, another discovery in Central America suggests that they are just going to have wait until the year '2050' like the rest of us.

The building, uncovered in the still largely unexplored Maya ruins of Xultun in Guatemala, includes a room with scribes calendar calculations on a wall, that show that the Mayan calendar cycles were predicted to go on forever (and not 'end') ..... the Mayans actually wanted to prove the eternity of the cosmos, not the end of the cycle. 
The archaeologists have also uncovered high quality murals on the walls of the sites temples.

Xultun Mayan Temple Murals Were High Quality
Xultun Mayan Temple Murals were high quality

But they have also uncovered a wall which has the first known instance of Mayan art painted on the walls of a dwelling rather than a temple.

Mayan Wall Murals Xultun
Mayan Wall Murals Xultun

They are not as high quality as the sites temple murals, but they show that the Mayan cities had private as well as public art .... and were more like the earlier Roman Empire cities than was previously thought.
NB. I have cleaned the pictures up for the post ... there are more missing sections on originals.


  1. all the art looks specifying somethng.please visit my siteThe Mayan Calendar

    1. I have just been to your linked site. Its nicely presented but doesn't add anything new to this, or earlier posts linked inside the article. The fact that its obvious that your first language is not English, means that it suffers a little bit of comprehensibility for this fact (the original comment sentence gives you a clue), but mainly in its awkward sentence structures.

      There is no Mayan prediction that the world will end in 2012, or any other time soon for that matter.


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