
Friday 22 December 2023

Santa's Personnel Carrier

 Every year it gets to be tougher for Santa and his little helpers .....

Santa's Personnel Carrier
Santa's Personnel Carrier

 .... but who would have thought that they would need an armoured Personnel Carrier?

Yes, some of Santa's helpers got stuck on Marsh Lane near Hayle, a Cornish country road in December 2022. The armoured Personnel Carrier had been trying to weave its way down the narrow lanes past parked cars and got stuck in a hedge. The crew of drunken Santa's, with a sober designated tank commander/driver.

A witness said that "They shot past me singing and we later found them stuck where the lane narrows. They were quite tightly jammed but it says no parking. It was quite funny as they tried to free themselves". 

They were on their annual pub crawl when the accident happened, and although they tried bouncing a car out the way, physically lifting a white Hyundai to one side, they eventually got trapped in Angarrack, Cornwall, and ended up blocking the road...... but having been stuck for around two hours, Devon and Cornwall Police were called at about 19:40 GMT (after some reports that a vehicle had been damaged). 

Santa's Personnel Carrier Eventually Was Freed
Santa's Personnel Carrier Eventually Was Freed

No-one was arrested and they eventually proceeded .... there were no reports of other road blocks that night.

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