
Friday 12 April 2024

Cameltoe Mom

Lisa Cameltoe (previously Bell), a cleaner from Blackpool .....

Ms Cameltoe And Her Tattoo
Ms Cameltoe .... But Not 'Iva'

..... chose this surname herself after acquiring the nickname on a boozy holiday in Magaluf, Spain.

Now despite what you may be thinking (and I admit I thought the same), its not because she was showing off her bikini line to men (although I can't say she didn't do this as well). Actually, she simply had a camel tattooed on her toe, then told men they could look at her 'cameltoe' ... cue much laughter from her mates at the bar .... my, their sides must have fairly ached.

When she got home from the holiday, she decided the joke was so funny that she would pay the £40 fee to legally change her surname ... this will alter her passport, bills, chequebook and credit cards etc. Her son was not impressed, and he started crying, fearing the name change would impact him, but in fact his surname remains Bell.

However, the boy should count himself lucky ... his mother had planned to change her first name to 'Iva' as well, but was talked out of it by her now sober friends. At a later holiday, she and a friend had a fish tattooed on a finger, and invited men to 'smell my fish finger'.

Remind me never to go to Magaluf or Blackpool on holiday .... never!

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