
Friday 19 April 2024

Super Fat Heroes

According to the calculated BMi index levels of over 3,752 characters from the Marvel Comics universe .... 

Marvel Universe Heroes
Marvel Universe Heroes

...... not one is medically fit .... apart from Iron Man who is wearing an armoured suit

The male characters, such as Thor and Captain America are all classed as obese. This is because they have such exaggerated bodily features, such as wide shoulders and muscles.

Thor And Captain America - Medically Unfit?
Thor And Captain America - Bad BMI?

However the female characters would all be classed as too thin, largely because they are invariably wasp waisted and large breasted. 

Marvel Heroines - Too Thin
Marvel Heroines - Too Thin?

But this shouldn't come as much as a surprise ..... The BMI is calculated by your weight in kilo grams divided by the square of your height in metres, and is a way of measuring body size. A BMI of less than 20 and you are underweight. Between 20 and 25 is normal; 25 to 30 is overweight. Break the magic 30 figure and you are officially obese, along with 20 per cent of women and 17 per cent of men in Britain.

Then again, the BMI is actually vey poor, when it comes to measuring people with a lot of muscle, because muscle weighs more than fat. 

Linford Christie - Bad BMI?
Linford Christie - Bad BMI?

Linford Christie, along with Jonah Lomu and Mike Tyson, would all be classed as obese using BMI when at their physical peak. They would be joined by large numbers of other athletes.

.... and that's my excuse as well.

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