
Friday 5 April 2024

Cocaine Surgeon

German plastic surgeon Dr Andreas David Niederbichler was another of those whom the drug epidemic in the West had corrupted.

Middle Class Murderer And Serial Rapist .... Light Sentence
Middle Class Murderer And Serial Rapist .... But A Light Sentence?

 He was a casual recreational user of cocaine ....

... including the novel usage of sticking it on the end of his penis while having sex with his partners. Dr Niederbichler of Halberstadt, southeast of Hanover, didn't always chose to inform his partners of this 'trick', and would sprinkle it, before asking women to perform oral sex on him.

It has been reported that he had performed this stunt with at least three women on several occasions between 2015 and 2018, and that he had also drugged them with the Class A substance by putting it into glasses of Champagne.

This was always going to end badly, and sure enough, one of his partners died of a cocaine overdose after she performed the sex act on him. Other women he had met, had complained about feeling light headed after sex with him. One even crashed her car on two separate occasions after meeting him.

He was found guilty of grievous bodily harm leading to the death of Yvonne M (the hairdresser with whom he was having sex), and sentenced to nine years imprisonment for multiple severe rapes in three cases, and GBH resulting in death. In addition, the district court ordered the placement in preventive custody, which means that he remains in preventive detention after serving his sentence until he is no longer considered a threat.

Why not give him 20 years for the  GBH resulting in death, plus 5 years for each of the rapes a minimum of 35 years (and incidentally, justice for the victims) .....  he would  then never be a danger to women, because he would either die in prison or be in his mid seventies when he was eventually released. 

His victims and their families must be disgusted with what passes for German justice. 

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