
Friday 28 June 2024

Ignoble Deeds In Iran

Ms Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian human rights activist ......

Ms Narges Mohammadi In Happier Times
Ms Narges Mohammadi In Happier Times

  ..... has won the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize. The 51 year old was honoured for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran.

Of course this being Iran under the mullahs, she is currently serving a 10-year jail term in Iran's Evin prison in the capital, Tehran.

Iran's Evin Prison In The Capital Tehran
Iran's Evin Prison In The Capital Tehran

The prison is notorious for the rape, torture and abuse inmates often suffer there, a fact which Ms Mohammadi has highlighted, much to the regimes displeasure. 

On top of her current jail term, Ms Mohammadi has previously been arrested 13 times, convicted five times. and sentenced to a total of 31 years in prison. She has also been sentenced to 154 lashes (it is unclear if that punishment has ever been carried out).

So Iran's foreign ministry reacted in their normal way and said the award was "biased" and in line with "the interventionist and anti-Iran policies of some European countries". The regime has a history of abusing Nobel Peace Prize winners, especially women recipients. In 2009 claims were made that they stole the Nobel Peace Prize medal of Iranian human rights lawyer Shirin Ebadi.

What a nasty brutish state Iran has become .... living proof (alongside other theocratic based states such as Saudi Arabia), that religion should always be a private matter, and not be the ideology guiding the running of a state. Religious leaders should never ever be the rulers of any state, because absolute power soon makes them susceptible, to borrow a phrase from the Iranian mullahs, to 'Corruption on Earth'.

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