
Friday 7 June 2024

The Eunuch Maker

 The strangeness of some men's sexual desires is actually never ending ....

The Eunuch Maker - The 'Burdizzo'

 .... There are men who want to dress as women, there are men who want to be women and will have their penises removed to achieve that aim .... and there are men who just want to be castrated.

Now we have talked about this last group before. But always assumed that this was a rare phenomena (even after a google search). But no, it appears that its a trend in certain areas of sexuality, which just confirms to my mind that the men who do this are actually seriously mentally ill.

In early 2022 the Metropolitan police in London raided a flat in Finsbury Park and arrested a 44 year old Norwegian man, who they suspected of having castrated dozens of men, live streaming it on a pay-per-view YouTube channel named "The Eunuch Maker". The police arrested a further six other men as part of a wider investigation.

As usual the main suspect had no medical qualifications but used a bit of medical kit, known as a 'burdizzo' designed to castrate men. He claimed to be doing these procedures in "a very professional way", however neighbour's reported that ambulances were regular visitors to the address and usually took people away.

Ken's 'Smoothie' Look

In all the Norwegian admitted to performing at least 58 operations (including on himself) ... he also kept mementoes in the form of frozen or pickled genitalia from his 'patients'. The motivation for removing his own genitalia had been to "look like a Ken (Barbies boyfriend) doll with nothing down there" .... like I said, mentally ill. This look, know as a "smoothie" in castration fetish circles, who are part of a "Nullo" movement.

Mao Sugiyama Cooked His Own Parts


This movement caters to those who don't want to be identified as either male or female, but as asexual. Their inspiration was Japanese artist Mao Sugiyama who aged 23 had his tackle completely removed and then later cooked and served them at a staged banquet (cannibalism isn't illegal in Japan).

The Nullo's claim to number between 10,000 and 15,000 worldwide. Studies suggest that most never tell anyone including their families of their mutilation which invariably is carried out by amateur "cutters" (because its difficult and expensive to get it done professionally). One man who had been castrated, a British vicar called 'Benedict', said " It's nowhere near as weird or difficult to become a eunuch now, as it was 30 years ago" .....

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