
Friday 25 March 2022

No Balls

Some men are extremely strange ....

Ryan King - Everyone Has To Have a Hobby
Ryan King - Everyone Has To Have a Hobby

..... I've no need to tell most women that, but we men occasionally have to be reminded about this fact.

For instance who would have guessed that some men go to chat-rooms and websites, to fantasize about being eunuchs? I for one would never have imagined that to be true, but this murky world of sexual and gender differences, was exposed by the trial of Ryan King, an electrician from Queensland Australia, who was sentenced to three and half years imprisonment for carrying out unauthorised medical procedures on at least two men.

Chief Eunuch of Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II at the Imperial Palace, 1912
Chief Eunuch of Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II at the Imperial Palace, 1912

Of course historically castration, either full or just scrotum has been going on for millennia, however it wasn't usually voluntary, and when it was, it was to usually to get promotion in imperial civil services in various empires, from the Assyrian's, through Egypt, and Rome, then the Byzantines in the middle ages, and latterly the Ottomans and Chinese empires up to the early 20the Centuries (with rumours about various Arab palaces even today). However, having it performed by an untrained electrician probably wouldn't have appealed to many, then or now.

Mr King had been advertising castration services on a eunuch website, and apparently at least two men responded to his offer. Now to be fair, he did have an advanced first aid certificate, so he considered himself to be medically qualified to operate in this delicate area. Also, the men who responded wanted the procedure carried out, but obviously had found no legal medical worker who would perform the operation. So they were happy to request it from Mr King.

So he would arrange to meet his patients at a backpackers hostel, where in a room rented from the hotel he performed the full genital castrations. He even kept some of the body parts he had removed in his home freezer (as a trophy?). Now he took no money for his services, and even filmed one of the procedures for posting on the eunuch website. 

One of his patients, a 65 year old, who had suffered from medical gender dysphoria was very happy with what had happened, and gave a court submission stating that "I am eternally grateful to Ryan for enabling me to enjoy life," this despite having to attend hospital for some bleeding afterwards (a fact King had warned him about beforehand). He told the hospital authorities he had performed the surgery on himself.

However the second operation on a 26 year old Chinese tourist developed a major problem when Mr King was unable to staunch the bleeding, and an ambulance had to be called to the hostel Loganholme south of Brisbane. When it was later found that the tourist had no Medicare entitlement, Mr King was forced to admit what he had been doing, so that emergency help could be given. He told them that he had removed the man's genitals and flushed them down the toilet. The police were called and he was arrested, while a search of his house found medical equipment and a set of severed genitals in the freezer

During his trial in July 2021, King pleaded guilty to both charges of committing malicious acts with intent, but was ordered to be released immediately on probation. However Mr King claimed that he didn't know he was breaking the law, as they were performing a consensual act when he operated. Kings defence Barrister said: "The desire was ... that they be taken by the defendant beyond the point of no return ... so they could not be repaired. He has not acted in deliberate defiance of the law,"

The judge was unconvinced by this argument and said that "You were clearly not authorised or even qualified to perform what you did.The message must be sent to people in the community that you cannot do things like this."  However having reviewed a  psychiatric report detailing King's mental health background, the judge said "There was little doubt you had an extremely troubled childhood."

King had been in prison since July 2020, so despite the three and a half year sentence he was ordered to be released immediately on probation.

30/04/2022 Update: 

In Germany in October 2021, a 66 year old German electrician (identified only as Horst B.), was convicted of castrating eight men 'on demand,' while posing to be a doctor. As at least one of the men died under his treatment, he was sentenced to eight years and six months in prison. The castrations were part of a sadomasochist internet group and were performed in his kitchen for money ... he was only charged with serious, aggravated and simple assaults after the murder charge was dropped.

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