
Friday 18 March 2022

Blog Bits

Cinema Chat Up Lines are usually corny, but apparently my personal favourite ...

Mae West - Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?
Mae West - Is That A Gun In Your Pocket?

..... Mae West's "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just pleased to see me?" is disputed as to her ever having said it on a film, until the 1978 film Sextette. So perhaps it doesn't count. 

But a survey in the mens health web site From Mars said that the three funniest chat up lines by characters in movies were:

1. Kathleen Turner in the 1981 film Body Heat - "Your not too smart - I like that in a man." 

2. Ryan Reynolds in the 2002 film Van Wilder: Party Liaison - "Are you stalking me? Because if you are that would be super."

3. Finally a risqué line from Audrey Hepburn in the 1963 movie Charade - "I don't bite you know - unless its called for." 

Oddly, up on checking it appears that Ms West's most famous other quote "Come up and see me some time," isn't quite right either, or at least rather where its often first attributed ... she actually said "Why don’t you come up some time and see me” in, She Done Him Wrong, but then “Come up and see me sometime,” was really used in I’m No Angel ... however the quote had also been used in adverts for She Done Him Wrong as well, which is why its often wrongly attributed to that film. 

Robbing Hood

McDonalds in Nottingham
Robin Wanted His Big Mac For Nothing ....
..... The Sheriff Thought Otherwise!

Staff at a McDonald's in Nottingham were threatened by a man with a bow and arrow .... where's the Sheriff when you need him?

Piggy Brains

The comeback of wild life in to urban areas during the Covid-19 crisis, has meant that some of the smarter species have adapted to city life again. None more so it seems than the wild boars of Berlin, who have even adapted to city traffic. 

Berlin's Boars Have Learnt New Tricks In Lockdown
Berlin's Boars Have Learnt New Tricks In Lockdown

They have rather cleverly worked out what traffic lights and pedestrian crossing are, and now use them to get from one side of the road to the other. Derk Ehlert, Berlins wildlife commissioner remarked that he would "never cease to be astonished by how wild boars and their young deliberately choose pedestrian crossings to cross roads."

1 comment:

  1. In fact many film lines are misquoted. For Example:

    Star Wars: "Luke, I am your father,” Vader is supposed to have said to the young Jedi. Actually what he actually says is: “No, I am your father.”

    Snow White: Wicked queen “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” Actually what she actually says is: “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?”

    The Wizard Of Oz: “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” The correct line is: “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

    JAWS: “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” ... actually “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

    Star Trek: Captain Kirk: “Beam me up, Scotty.” but he never says that .. “Scotty, beam us up." is the nearest he gets.

    Field Of Dreams: “if you build it they will come,” is actually “if you build it he will come.”


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