
Friday 11 March 2022

Bungling Bomber

 Being an international or domestic terrorist doesn't take much brains ....

Islamic Terrorist Bomber
Terrorist Bomber .....

.... in fact often the complete opposite is true.
But bomb making requires at least some intelligence, and often a very, very steady hand. George Moore, a would be bomb maker from Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, certainly has not the intelligence nor possibly the steady hand for that line of work. 
George Moore - Bungling Bomber
George Moore - Bungling Bomber

He decided to make a video on bomb making for his Snapchat account, and recorded himself putting aerosol cans in a metal colander, and then placing them inside a microwave .... what he hoped to achieve with this act, or why he thought that this was 'making a bomb' is impossible to say, but he had captioned the video clip 'Making a baby bomb'.

Anyway he set the timer on the microwave and pressed the start button .... with the inevitable results. The microwave exploded, and he had to call 999 (911), and confess to the fire brigade what he had been doing. His house-mate was asleep upstairs, and had to be evacuated, while fire crews extinguished the resulting blaze in the kitchen. Moore was arrested and in court he admitted the charge of arson recklessly endangering life, and was sentenced to three and a half years jail time. 
He was lucky that he was considered not to be a terrorist, but just incredibly stupid.
Alcohol And Bomb Making Don't Mix
Alcohol And Bomb Making Don't Mix .....

Why he was even making attempting to make a bomb, was never entirely clear, but as he was drunk, its possible he just thought it was a good idea at the time (we have all been there at least once) - As Seneca said 'Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness, and wine kindles anger'


  1. You wonder how some people get out of childhood.

    1. Yep. Hahaha .... it can be somewhat surprising in certain cases. Thanks for the comment.


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