Sometimes the Karma of the situation is so obvious ......
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Karma Caught Joseph McKinnon |
..... it hits you in the face and then gives you a good slapping.
Joseph McKinnon and Patricia Denton were a couple living on Tanglewood Drive, in the small town of Trenton, South Carolina. He was 60, and his girlfriend was 65, and they had been living together for some time.
Then on Saturday the 7th of May 2022, police received a 911 call about an “unresponsive man” lying in McKinnon's yard in Trenton, South Carolina. When deputies arrived, they found McKinnon laying in the yard, with a neighbour trying CPR. Medical crews then arrived to try and revive him, but were unsuccessful. It seemed like a simple tragedy.
The police and medics had swiftly determined that McKinnon had died of a heart attack when they arrived at the scene, as there was no trauma to his body, and he seemed to have died of natural causes. “However,” Chief Rowland added, “we had a hard time finding his significant other.”
After initially searching the home that McKinnon and Ms Dent had shared for the missing woman, and finding blood inside, the police then reached out to Dent’s colleagues at the Mount Vintage Golf Club in North Augusta. Her co-workers said that Dent had uncharacteristically missed work that Saturday morning, and that she hadn’t responded to any messages.
As detectives looked around the scene again, they then spotted a freshly dug, and partially filled in large pit size hole in the yard ..... when they got in to the hole, and started digging, they quickly discovered a second body wrapped up in black garbage bags. An autopsy report later concluded that she had been hit by a blunt instrument, and then choked, leading to her dying by strangulation.
Neighbours told police that they had also seen McKinnon digging a hole in his yard on the Friday (ostensibly for a 'water feature'). Police said that McKinnon had reportedly been seen nearly completing the filling in of the pit, after working feverishly on Saturday, when he suddenly set the shovel down, walked some distance away towards the front of the house, and then collapsed.
Sheriff Jody Rowland said “Evidence gathered at the scene, along with statements from witnesses aided investigators to build a time-line, leading us to believe that Mr. McKinnon attacked Ms. Dent while inside their home. Mr McKinnon then bound her and wrapped her in trash bags before putting her in the previously dug pit. The pit was then partially filled in by Mr. McKinnon. While covering the pit, Mr. McKinnon had the cardiac event, causing his death.”
If this does not smack of instant karma, then I don't know karma is.
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