Here we go again, the Saudi’s that most 'enlightened' of races and protectors of Islam, have decided that they want to execute an illiterate woman for “Witchcraft”.
Yes, that’s apparently the truth.
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17th Century Witch Killing .... |
Yes, that’s apparently the truth.
The Saudi courts listened to a man
accuse an old woman of making him impotent ……. It makes no difference
that she was been beaten into a confession by the religious police
called the mutaween (another Sharia aspect that Dr Williams
apparently forgot about in his call for the Taliban style legal system).
The fact that they still find it possible to listen to a man make any
ridiculous claim, and then beat an old woman into submission, makes
Islamic 'justice' more than just frightening, but that fact that most of the followers
of Islam think this is right and proper, makes it absolutely terrifying.
It’s almost beyond belief that this sort of trial can still be treated seriously by allegedly educated jurists, and is more what we associate with some of the failed African or Caribbean states such as Nigeria or Haiti (where even there is not usually a court death sentence), and not a state that claims it's ruled in the name of the religion of peace, and where they claim that Sharia law is the most perfect form of justice.
A Guardian poll (paper on the PC left) found that 61% of 'young UK Muslims' want Sharia introduced into the UK .... how worrying is that?? The Telegraph (Paper on the right of UK politics) found more recently that 41% of all Muslims in the UK wanted Sharia introduced into the UK .... the fact that they continue to want this, in the face of regular evidence of how corrupt a system it is, shows either that they don't read (likely), or that they are also brainwashed into believing that, even acknowledging that there are faults in Islam is a 'thoughtcrime'', and that "Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness."
So once again their aged King is likely to have to overrule these Sharia courts because of international pressure (although the poor old lady still faces an unhappy time in prison). But it shows what having a semi-literate court system does for justice, when only last November, Egyptian pharmacist Mustapha Ibrahim, who worked in the northern Saudi city of Arar, was beheaded by the sword for ‘sorcery’ under Saudi Arabia’s strict Islamic laws, for allegedly trying to separate a married couple.
I wonder if our mad Mullah of Canterbury would like to explain why this barbarism is such a good idea for the UK? After all the people who administer this kind of superstitious nonsense, would also administer Sharia in the UK.
A Guardian poll (paper on the PC left) found that 61% of 'young UK Muslims' want Sharia introduced into the UK .... how worrying is that?? The Telegraph (Paper on the right of UK politics) found more recently that 41% of all Muslims in the UK wanted Sharia introduced into the UK .... the fact that they continue to want this, in the face of regular evidence of how corrupt a system it is, shows either that they don't read (likely), or that they are also brainwashed into believing that, even acknowledging that there are faults in Islam is a 'thoughtcrime'', and that "Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness."
So once again their aged King is likely to have to overrule these Sharia courts because of international pressure (although the poor old lady still faces an unhappy time in prison). But it shows what having a semi-literate court system does for justice, when only last November, Egyptian pharmacist Mustapha Ibrahim, who worked in the northern Saudi city of Arar, was beheaded by the sword for ‘sorcery’ under Saudi Arabia’s strict Islamic laws, for allegedly trying to separate a married couple.
I wonder if our mad Mullah of Canterbury would like to explain why this barbarism is such a good idea for the UK? After all the people who administer this kind of superstitious nonsense, would also administer Sharia in the UK.
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