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Should Be in Prison or Back In Iran |
Because of the two children, he is now virtually immune from deportation, despite lying to get here, and what the papers say. But not content with abusing the Asylum laws (no wonder most of us want them cancelled, as just an illegal immigrants charter), he went on to commit various criminal offences.
The First is that he claimed the state benefits whilst he had over £500,000 in the bank ... this would normally get you a prison sentence if you are rich or even if you are sixty, but no, Judge John Phipps only gives him a suspended sentence, for what is the theft of over £25,000 in public money. Not content with that, you might expect that he would be ordered to repay the money from the £500,000, but no, according to news reports, he is only told to repay £1 (Yes £1.00 only), because although this man had been earning a good wage, and was obviously able to get at the funds to buy cars etc, that didn't stop this Judge determining that the funds were "unrecoverable".
Who says crime doesn't pay? Not the criminals from around the world who come here.
Ordered for immediate deportation? No wrong again, instead of sparing us even more expenses from the public funds, this 'judge' leaves it to the immigration department to carry on the probably fruitless efforts, to get past the endless human rights issues, and get him out of the country. He has apparently exhausted all appeals, but that usually means nothing in the UK.
The Second involved him driving without a licence, which is not a victimless crime. One of the biggest causes of car offences in London, is non qualified drivers of vans (working illegally?) and cars, and this includes killing people by reckless, or drunken driving, whilst having no insurance or driving licence. He got a fine for this which he paid out of all the money he was stealing from us. He owned a Mercedes, BMW and an X-Type Jaguar.
But the Third is almost beyond belief. Not content with defrauding us because of his vast savings, he then somehow manages to get a full time job (National Insurance Number, Tax records, Right to work etc not withstanding) as a salesman for a reputable employer, and carries on claiming benefits as unemployed.
This is not spotted by a government that has vast computer records on all of us, but can't spot an illegal immigrant / Asylum seeker working full time illegally, claiming benefits illegally, nor having vast amounts undeclared savings!
No, its only discovered when one of the endless immigration officers he has dealt with and lied to, spots him and his wife in an expensive car and clothes driving round Liverpool.
Apart from the fact that there should be someway of sacking judges, who so blatantly are not acting in any public interest, nor even coherently (see links for Prison sentences, and the recovery of public funds), but what does it say about our lack of joined up computer systems, that a man can claim state benefits as unemployed, and income taxes whilst working (without leave to do so), and its not spotted on any system?
Between the judges, and the lack of accountability or communications between government computer systems, added to the the seven years it takes to exhaust the legal appeals systems at UK taxpayers expense, and it's no wonder terrorists consider the UK a safe bolt hole.
Montazery later faced a Proceeds of Crime application at Liverpool Crown Court to try and force him to pay back the welfare benefits he had stolen. But despite knowing that he had £560,000 in savings accounts, the judge ruled that his assets were not recoverable, so he was ordered to pay a nominal £1 .... however some good news. He finally was ordered to be deported within two months.
Just the Tip of the iceberg.
An absolute imaginary story as I am the gentleman in this Story!
ReplyDelete1- I left UK on 1st of March
2- I have UK driving Licence since 2002 and 5 years no claim bonus (in spite of driving AMG and M-sport Cars)
3- The money (£500K) was a turnover of all transaction in the last 6 years
4- I have never been empolyed, I worked for myself by buying and selling cars on BCA and Ebay
(Check my Ebay ID Mike-Heyside and see all my customers addoring me for honesty)
5 The initial money was a nat-west personal loan
6- To all other web-loggers: instead of writing imaginary stories, find something else and give your life a meaning, if there is any potential, otherwise just go on!
The BBc seem to have decide that the story isn't 'imaginary' - I have just checked the link on the top of the blog here and the BBC have left the story on line and intact.
DeleteAsylum seeker's benefits fraud:
An Iranian asylum seeker who falsely claimed £25,000 in benefits despite having £500,000 in the bank has been spared jail but now faces deportation. Massoud Montazery, 29, was given a paid-for home in Liverpool, but wore designer clothes and had an X-type Jaguar, Liverpool Crown Court heard.
When officials called at his house he asked them to remove their shoes so his new luxury carpet was not dirtied.
He was sentenced to nine months in prison suspended for two years. He was ordered to perform 100 hours unpaid work and follow a two-year supervision order.
His case has also been referred to the Home Office for a decision on possible deportation.
'Personal greed'
Although not allowed to work, Montazery got a job as a baby equipment salesman.
He was only caught when, in November 2005, an immigration officer returning to work from lunch saw Montazery at the wheel of the Mercedes, dressed in expensive clothes and with his wife clad in a fur coat.
He had told officials he did not have a bank account - but the truth was he opened a Barclays account in February 2004 which was still active.
Speaking outside court, Gill Mortlock, regional director for the Border and Immigration Agency in the North West, said: "Mr Montazery is an educated and intelligent individual who has abused the hospitality of this country over a number of years.
"The UK has a proud record of helping those in genuine need, but this individual has abused the system for his own personal greed.
"This type of abuse will not be tolerated and those who seek to engage in fraudulent claims should be warned that we will seek them out and prosecute them."
So Mr Anonymous 27 June 2008 09:32 ( am the gentleman in this Story!) maybe you should
(a) Talk to the BBC
(b) Confirm that the courts didn't actually sentenced you to nine months in prison (suspended for two years). Or order you to perform 100 hours unpaid work and follow a two-year supervision order?
So maybe the message is to all criminals - don't go bleating to bloggers about your story appearing in the national and international news - get the news agencies to retract and recant if they have told lies.
The BBC seem to be happy that the reports were correct: In fact a quick search under your name show that the Liverpool echo and the Sun also reported the court case.
With the Echo Reporting that you were to be deported (pictures and all for the family album) ..... Oops caught lying again.
The first responder to your comment seems to have been pissed off enough by your comment to do the work for me.
DeleteIf you disagree with the story - send evidence that it was wrong, and I'll publish it here if it checks out.
Why do you call yourself Mike-Heyside on Ebay ID?
Is it possibly because all your customers wouldn't be addoring you for your honesty if you were 'Massoud-Heyside'?