The 'Gadfather' aka Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was once again on top form, with a 'record breaking' 94-minute debut UN speech .... well if not 'record breaking' (he did not even come close to Fidel Castro's 1960 General Assembly record of four and a half hours), then at least epoch making.
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Gadaffi At UN |
Yes, in his first ever UN speech, the great man told the world how it really is!
In a speech that wore out one translator and required another one to step in to take over, after he ended up speaking six times longer than the 15-minute limit set by the UN General Assembly, he covered world topics by the bucketful. According to the New York Post, the Libyan translator shouted: "I just can't take it any more." The rules specify that UN translators only provide live interpretation for 40 minutes at a time, and they are used to seamless handovers, but the Gadfather insisted on using his own translators for French and English.
- He denounced the Ottawa Treaty which outlawed landmines, by claiming that they are good for defending borders (so watch your footing in the Libyan deserts).
- Launched a tirade about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and gave a lengthy explanation of his call for a single-state solution called "Isratine". In particular he said that young Jews and Palestinians wanted to live together in one state....... really.
- Reuters also reported that the Colonel grabbed hold of a copy of the UN charter and threw it over his shoulder, and then launched an attack on the Security Council, in which he chastised the world body for failing to intervene or prevent, some 65 wars since the U.N. was founded in 1945.
- He called for the reform of the Security Council by abolishing the veto power of the five permanent members – or expanding the body with additional member states to make it more representative."It should not be called the Security Council" rather "it should be called the 'terror council' " he said. He also added that veto-wielding Security Council powers treat smaller countries as "second class, despised nations".
- He called upon the investigation in to the 'war crime' of invading Iraq which was against UN rules.
- Finally he said that the majority of countries in the UN had not existed when it was created and therefore it didn't represent them fairly (there were only 51 founding nations in the UN).
If you want to see the Gadfather in full flow as an International Statesman then here he is (sorry video removed).
You may even think that some of these points are valid ...........
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