Saturday, 26 September 2009
Saudi Reforms?
These calls for our deaths are heard around the world and should be stopped, after all we don't call for the deaths of all Muslims, but maybe we should so they would know what that's like. It is very common for the Friday prayer in Muslim societies to end with the Imam calling for the destruction of the "kuffar", the un-believers, to which the worshippers respond "Amen"...... Often the prayer calls specifically for the "Death to Israel, Death to America, Death to Britain" etc etc
Before you think the age of reason has finally arrived in the Islamic heartlands, he went on to say that they were permissible if the interests of Muslims were harmed ..... so no change there then.
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What a total and ignorant representation of the truth ... when did the Archbishop of Canterbury call "death to all Muslims" (or 'heathens' as you should properly be called). When did the Pope or any Bishop of the Protestant or other Churches regularly (every Sunday), end with calls for a Christian hegemony?
ReplyDeleteNever, is the answer, but its easy to find "Muslims praising Hitler" , or calling for deaths ...
As for Muslim human rights, you get more in the West, than you ever get in your own countries ..... where "human rights" are at the whim of the dictator or the local Imam.
What are these 'Human Rights' that are 'deeply violated' .. freedom of speech? ... your activists parade our streets (protected by our police), "disrespecting our soldiers and funerals. Try doing that in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran or Egypt.
'Freedom of religion', despite the fact that your creed is anathema to most of us, we are forced to allow your "mosques to be built anywhere", even when there are but a handful of your religion living in the area. "How many new Churches" in 'European' Turkey? .... None.
Freedom of Travel, you are given passports by Western countries, or allowed entry, even though many of you "plan to use them to attack us".
"Education and work", we give you free state funded education, which certainly in Pakistan is not available ... as for work, its illegal to stop you working, even when its a Christian organisation.
Your argument is that of a moron, but I am guessing that your just a brainwashed fool, who can't even acknowledge how poor your own societies are.
On every level of human development, Muslim lands are backward and socially retrogressive. Why else are there queues to get Visa's to the West, while chanting death threat?
When you learn to recognise what the 'truth' is, you could possibly debate with me, but just reeling off rubbish, and expecting me to recognise your world view, shows exactly why I will nevere bow my neck to your creed.