A gang of four male intruders, with balaclavas and kitted for violence tried to break in to a house where two men (a father and son) and the boys girlfriend were residing. There was a fight, the two men fought off the intruders and in the process one of the burglars was killed (or rather died of a stab wound) after being stabbed .... as usual the police turned up well after the event despite getting a 999 call during the attempt to break in, and promptly arrested the householder his son and the girl.
The police chief, superintendent Kevin Mulligan even expressed his shock at the 'tragic' incident resulting in the death of the (scumbag) burglar. It truly makes you despair of Britain .... and all this after the current Prime Minister declared that he was going to reinforce the law to protect homeowners defending their property. "We will put beyond doubt that homeowners and small shopkeepers who use reasonable force to defend themselves or their properties will not be prosecuted." .... weasel words, when the police and courts continue to interpret 'reasonable force' as meaning any force. The police officer in this case for example said "Within the existing legal framework, you can use reasonable force to protect yourself - the emphasis on reasonable."
Can you imagine the terror of having four men in balaclava's trying to break in to your house? They are not cat burglars, or chancers (who would have run away when challenged), no this is four men who don't care that there are people in the house, and therefore most certainly intend to harm the occupants .... and all this useless arm of the law can say is that "the emphasis" is "on reasonable" while they try to defend their lives and their property .... he even added that he "didn't believe that members of the public are at risk."
Well that must come as a reassurance to those who this policeman considers are 'members of the public', but for the rest of us, like people who live in houses being burgled for example, it must be a grave concern that this man is the police officer protecting them.
In fact he seems to have a stock response to every death on his patch of socialist paradise .... after a fatal shooting on his beat, he suggested that "One firearm incident, especially one this tragic, is one too many". Then there was that time that there was another fatal stabbing on his beat in Salford ... "This is a tragic incident and we understand how this can cause alarm to the community. However, I would like to reassure residents that there is no general threat to them as a result of what happened". Or then there was yet another death by stabbing, which he said was a "tragic incident". Mr Mulligan apparently stressed that such incidents were "rare" ..... well, obviously not that 'rare'.
The last word on this should perhaps go to the father of the dead burglar, Mr Garry Bennell ....who when asked about the incident, is reported as saying that: “Householders are entitled to protect their own properties from burglars. I would hope to have the guts to protect my property, though obviously I wouldn't want to kill anybody”.
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