
Thursday 20 October 2011

Gaddafi - A Rat Caught In A Hole

Col Gaddafi has been killed .... he didn't fight to the death as he vowed, choosing instead to fight to other peoples deaths before surrendering .... he was found in the town of Sirte (his birthplace), and according to initial reports was discovered cowering in a hole shouting "don't shoot, don't shoot" (This is much like how Saddam Hussein was found). He is alleged to have been wounded in the legs, while running away from a NATO bomb attack on his convoy.

'Like A Rat In The Sewers' .... Gaddafi Captured Here.

It appears from initial news reports that his captors bundled him in to an ambulance, wounded, but very much alive, but that whatever he said to them proved too much for at least one of them, because when they got to hospital, Gaddafi had gained a new wound, namely at least one fatal bullet wound in the head.

There are conflicting reports on his death; One states that a nearby group of NTC fighters opened fire (or he was wounded by his bodyguards mis-thrown hand grenade which blew up after hitting a wall and bouncing back towards him), wounding Gaddafi with shrapnel, not gunshots to his leg and back before his surrender. Gaddafi is said to have shouted "Please don't shoot!"

Actually his last moments are shown on video and indicate that rebel fighters were beating him and one of them sodomizing him with a bayonet, before he was shot several times as he begged for his life. Gaddafi can be heard in one video saying "God forbids this" and "Do you know right from wrong?" which is somewhat ironic coming from a man who did such terrible things to others ....

A doctor's examination in the town of Mistra stated he had been shot in the head and abdomen.

Whatever the truth of it, he was now dead, killed in much the same way that his secret police killed thousands over the years, with a bullet after being tortured, and will never get his chance for grandstanding in a trial .....  probably for the best, no matter what the chattering class liberals in the West may think.

Lets hope that's the end of the bloodshed and that Libya ends up a happier and better place.

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