
Thursday 6 October 2011

A Life Well Led, A Job Well Done

Steve Jobs, one of the co-founders of Apple, and a one time owner of Pixar Animation (bought for $10m in 1986), died of cancer yesterday. 

Candles in London For Steve Job
Candles in London

A sad loss for his family and friends no doubt, but not the death of Mother Teresa, Gandhi, or Mandela. 
But judging from the hysterical response to the news in some quarters you would think the world had ended (similar to the nonsense when the child loving 'Wacko Jacko' died). The flowers, apples, cards, vigils and candles being placed outside Apple stores are the signs of a ridiculously snowflake sentimentality in societies in the West ...

Steve Job - Fans leave Apples in London
Fans leave Apples in London

He helped invent a type of exorbitantly expensive Phone, a type of exorbitantly expensive Computer and a type of exorbitantly expensive portable Music Player .... none were strictly speaking, new ideas, but they were well packaged and promoted to a group of techno-snobs, who paid extra to not be with the rest of humanity, and made him a billionaire. 
But they haven't changed the world, despite all the hysterics, and the sun will still rise tomorrow.


  1. Hiya! Do you somehow check if the content of your domain is unique in the whole Internet and there is no such a person who is using it without letting you know about it?

    1. Don't know what you mean .... there's someone in Indonesia scraping my blog, but Google don't care, so I have given up worrying about it ... he may be killed by the mullahs because I am not complimentary about Islam LOL


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