
Thursday, 6 March 2025

Agent Trump Anyone?

I have seen some strange stuff on the Web this week (screen prints in story). A lot of it on the Have Your Say comments on the BBC website.

A Piece Of Paper From Moscow Probably Worthless
A Piece Of Paper From
Moscow, Probably Worthless.

One thing was a reminder that Ukraine had only given up their nuclear arsenal acquired at the dissolution of the Soviet Union, after Russia, the USA and the UK, all agreed to respect and protect Ukraine's then borders as a sovereign nation, in exchange for them doing so. 

Friday, 28 February 2025

Animal Crackers

Occasionally I put together some posts made up of small stories that are linked by theme and that I dont want to build into larger posts on their own ..... 

Animal Selfies Come In Many Forms
Animal Selfies Come In Many Forms

....starting with Dumb and Dumber

Fine Of The Beast And The Wicked Burger

In 2017, Jason Mortimore from Exeter, England, was fined £666 (yes really, the fine of the beast), for throwing his Jehovah's Witness wife Rachael's Bible, and her other religious documents into a lit garden burner in November 2016 ... (he was lucky that wasn't another religions holy book). 

The Watch Tower Magazine
The Watch Tower Magazine

For good measure he had also hit her earlier in the face, three times with a magazine (title not known ... but possibly The Watch Tower)

The Patriot (Nearly)

Being an American Patriot means different things at different times .......

Paul Revere, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott
Paul Revere Didn't Ride Alone - William Dawes
 and Samuel Prescott Accompanied Him.

... so during the American Revolution or 'Treasonous Revolt' as we would call it .... (just kidding folks) ... people such as Paul Revere, would be described as a typical patriot.

Friday, 21 February 2025

Dial G For God

Pastor Paul Sanyangore, of the Victory World International Ministries of Zimbabwe, has a congregation of around 5,000 ..... plus one. 

God On The Line?
God On The Line?

That one is a very important one, God himself, who Pastor Paul can apparently call on his cell phone. This was witnessed on his churches website, where a video has him talking into his phone saying "Hello, is this heaven?".


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