I guess I could have thought of many more, some Bond Girls spring to mind, but hey this is a blog, not a girlie site ..... so I will leave it at these.
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They were beautiful and mysterious ... cos they weren't showing their chests at the drop of a flash bulb!
ReplyDeleteI'm having trouble discerning whether the mis-spelling of "too" in "written by one who thinks we have gone to far accomodating idiots." is intentional & a joke or just a really unfortunate mistake.
ReplyDeletehey there. just an info about the martini girl erica wills. that's not her pic but i found one in the dailymail (link below). her real name was Deborah Jackson.
Hey Anonymous .... can't mail to thank you, but I have replaced the Erica Wills picture, and added your story link.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks ... Oh, and Oops on the spelling of 'too'. Mea Culpa and lesson on spell checker learnt.