
Sunday 13 April 2008

Brown The Pan

According to all the weekend newspapers, our 'beloved' and unelected leader Gordon Brown is in a spot of bother, again.
Gordon Brown In Trouble
Gordon Brown In Trouble

Harold Wilson, another Labour Prime Minister, gave us the phrase, "A week is a long time in politics." Well if a week is a long time, then a few months after deciding not to have an election, has proved to be an eternity for Gordon Brown. How his star has fallen, and how "Events dear boy, events" (the explanation give by Harold McMillan, for why governments fail), must be ringing in his years.
That decision not to cut and run last Autumn, which we can only assume was a form of cowardice, has bit him on the arse, because he has had enough 'Events' to point a pointy stick at. I use the word 'cowardice' freely because I think that Mr Brown has displayed political caution to the point where it is cowardice. The motto "He who dares, wins" is not one that could readily be applied to Mr Brown.

For years he sat brooding in the background "Waiting for Blair to hand him the Prime Ministers job" .... apparently he was bitter about what he saw as a betrayal of their "Granita" deal (where he was apparently 'persuaded' to let Blair stand unopposed for the labour leadership), but not once though, did he have the courage to challenge Blair for the PM job.

He appears to have been terrified that defeat would end his 'destiny' to be PM, whereas if he just waited, and waited, and waited, it would just be given to him as 'gift' by Blair. Can anyone ever imagine Blair waiting in the wings for ten years? Compare and contrast with Micheal Heseltine and Mrs Thatcher, where Heseltine had the guts to challenge.

Anyway, this weekend illustrates why political courage is needed to succeed as PM. Six months after deciding not to risk a snap election, all the polls show him between 14 and 16 points behind Mr Cameron, his main rival, and there are suggestions, that there are many machinations behind the scenes in his own Labour party to oust him if all goes badly in:
  • The London Mayoral elections, where "Red" Ken Livingstone is fighting Boris Johnston and may just lose.
  • The local government elections, where another kicking for labour is predicted.

Actually, although losing London might be seen as a blow, the truth is that Ol'Ken is not viewed as "one of us" by the pygmies in Browns cabinet, so his demise wouldn't cause too many tears to flow. Also Labour would have expected to lose a mayoral fight sometime, so it may as well be now as any other time. Anyway, according to the The Sunday Times, it is by no means certain that scatty Boris will pull it off and Ken may still be Mayor of London.

As for the local elections, well labour has lost most of the country outside of its inner city heartlands, so there can't be much more to lose before they can't lose anymore, and have to show gains .... in that respect there may be advantages in reaching that stage now, and then gaining some councils just before the general election in 18 months time.

If this was all, Gordy Boy would be a happy man, but we have had his terror policy turned over in the courts, with a convicted Al-Queda terrorist (Abu Qatada) saved from deportation by our alternative unelected government, aka the Judges (what with the unelected Brown and unelected judges democracy is thriving in the UK), who have said it was illegal, because they don't approve of the police evidence gathering methods in Jordan, or any other of our regional allies.

So now we have to keep this bit of scum here at tax payers expense .... he will no doubt be on the streets again soon. Funny how these governments are our "Regional Friends and Allies", but according to our unelected judges, they are "Torture Regimes" and we should not deal with them.

Of course the courts decision to grant all failed asylum seekers free medical treatment, is just another sign that this governments legislation is poor, and unravels whenever it is put against the "Human Rights" legislation that New Labour introduced, without a thought, when it came to power. Oddly, even I didn't think that under this ill thought out legislation, Pirates can claim Asylum, so the Royal Navy can't tackle piracy.

Just who governs in the UK, the elected government or those judges who seem to perversely enjoy breaking every piece of legislation on the rock of their interpretation of "Human Rights"?

Elsewhere the government faces possible defeat in its latest attempt to extend police powers of detention to 42 days in suspected terrorism cases. This by the way, is because for some reason the police in the UK can't carry on investigating a crime once a charge has been made. If we changed that ridiculous situation, then we would not need detention law changes.

And to top it all, it appears that Blair's decision to close the "BAE Saudi Bungs Scandal" (Just a few million in 'Baksheesh' to me, you and the Arabs) was illegal, and now there are calls to reopen it, and fall out with yet another of our "Friends and Allies" in the region. While nearer to home, the Members of Parliament attempts to hide their (mis)use of public funds, by fighting a rear guard action in the courts, is being led by the Labour Speaker Mr Martin, adding to the perception of sleaze which already hangs about this Parliament.

The decision by Gordon Brown to tax the single poor, to pay for yet more welfare benefits for feckless 'parents', has also refused to go away, and as predicted by me is a real vote loser. Finally, control freak Mr Brown, is portrayed as "a tiny dot on this world", by the dictator we should have toppled, Mr Mugabe. How low can it get when you are personally insulted by a tinpot despot ... but just another week in this man's lifetime.

Note: I am using the Sunday Times and BBC to link to, but the main papers are all running much the same stories, so it's not unrepresentative of the speculation.

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