
Sunday 22 March 2009

The Religious Don't Want to Die

There was a recent report that religious believers, were the most insistent that they be kept alive as long as possible, by opting for the most intensive life-prolonging care.

This despite much evidence that these kinds of last minute treatment, including resuscitation, may make the period before death far more uncomfortable. Whereas atheists were apparently more accepting that their time was up, and mainly wanted a dignified death as human beings.

The story entitled "Pious fight death the hardest" says it is unclear why those who pray prefer more aggressive end-of-life care .... however I suspect that the reality is that right at the end 'doubts' creep in, and there is a desperate last minute struggle to stay here ... I guess only the religious can explain this.

You would think that those who believed in the 'Paradise' to come would be keener to get there and not deny their creators (or Intelligent Designer's) will.

However its the atheists who consider it inhumane to use 'religion' to deny dying people both dignity and as pain free a death as possible .... but some people see no irony.

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