
Friday 21 May 2021

Inside A Pub Again

Well, our lords and masters have finally said that we can go back inside a pub again this week ....

The Pubs May Be 'Open Inside' Again,
.... But Still Under Some 'Covid' Isolation Rules.

 ... so hurrah for small mercies in our time of troubles.

The claims that Pubs were the major vector for Covid-19 spread, were always dubious in my opinion. The main rise in Covid-19 cases last Autumn, was tied far more to the reopening of the schools, as the pubs had been open all summer. Kids are walking virus spreaders, because they are largely immune from the main effects of many illnesses, but can carry these illnesses around and spread them easily.

In fact every autumn, we have a veritable epidemic of communicable diseases as the kids 'playground swap,' all the diseases their families have been exposed to over the holidays, and take them back home. Government Ministers know this (as do the opposition, and public health experts), but it didn't play to their agenda to admit this fact and leave the pubs open, so they have treated pubs as the worst villains of the pandemic.

So I was pleased that at least one pub landlord, Rod Humphris, made it clear what he thought of them all last month, when he told Sir Keith Starmer, the Labour Party leader to leave his pub garden (Pubs were outdoor serving only then), and that he had "failed this country", for not opposing government lockdown policies. 

Now in the UK, pub landlords don't have to give a reason for refusing to serve anyone, and the police have to back them .... but that didn't stop Starmer's security detail arguing with the landlord.

Starmer Has His 'Old Lady In The Street' or 'White Van Man' Moment

However Mr Humphris stuck to his guns, and Mr Starmer left, saying that he “profoundly disagreed” with Mr Humphris, but that while “nobody wants a lockdown," ... "it was necessary”. This incident reminded me that Labour has a long way to go to regain the white working class vote in many areas, and a leader called 'Sir Keith' probably has even further to travel ... Boris is closer to that group, than the Labour leader.

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