It would appear that getting ill in the Caribbean island of Trinidad and Tobago ...
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Monkey Surgery Is Not Prohibited ... |
..... is not necessarily a healthy thing to do if you need an operation.
A report was circulated on social media in May 2020 that hygiene conditions in the General hospital in the capitol of Port-of-Spain were less than acceptable. The reports stated that both a 'Monkey' and 'a Big Snake' had been found in the hospital operating theatre.
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It Opens A New Career Path For Simians ... |
The hospital authorities responded angrily to these social media posts, and admitted that well yes, there had been a monkey in the operating theatre, but categorically denied that it had been accompanied by a big snake. The monkey had been found when staff came to reopen the operating theatre after a Covid-19 lockdown.
That's reassuring .... I guess?
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