
Friday 4 June 2021

The World Turned Upside Down

Its interesting to note that China, the birth place of the Covid-19 virus, now has a mass vaccination program under way ....

Chinas Covid Vaccination Program Racing Ahead ....

... its taken place using four vaccines developed inside China, including Sinopharm and Sinovac, both of which are likely to get WHO approval for use outside China in early May 2021.

The program has been mobilised as only a one party state can (no anti-vaxxer nonsense allowed here), and from almost a standing start, has already now administered more vaccine doses than anywhere else in the world, overtaking the US last week. They have even started to import a vaccine, co-developed with Germany's BioNTech ... the Fosun Pharma/BioNTech vaccine will start arriving in China in July.

What makes this of anything more than a passing interest, is that its emerged that despite Covid-19 actually being far more dangerous for those over the age of 65, China has actually prioritised vaccination among people aged 18 to 59. Quite obviously this allows a return to normal life for the vast majority, at the expense of the elderly, and this is the most important factor, it protects the Chinese economy far better than the Western countries who have prioritised the elderly first and are paying a big economic price..

If anything emphasises the differences between the Democratic West and Communist China, its this prioritisation of the low health risk, but economically active members of society in the one party state, which is the very opposite of the vaccination priorities of the West, which are aimed at saving the lives of more vulnerable and high risk members of society first.

However, at least one other country, Indonesia, has adopted the same vaccination approach as China, with the government also going for a "youth first" strategy, arguing that it makes sense to prioritise immunising working people - those "who go out of the house and all over the place and then at night come back home to their families. Targeting those that are likely to spread the virus." They also claim that this will get herd immunity quicker, and thus also offers protection to the elderly, as most elderly people in Indonesia live in intergenerational households, and isolating them from the rest of the family is often impossible.

But it'll be no coincidence or accident when China becomes the worlds largest economy sometime in the next 12 to 18 months, although not necessarily the number one political nation. 

This is quite simply the strangest period in the history of the world .... as the legend has it, the British armies fifes and drums played 'The World Turned Upside Down' as the Redcoats marched out from behind their ramparts to surrender at Yorktown in the American War of Independence ..... I think many people now, will know how they felt.

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